Purchased a brand new mouse and the dang thing is still frozen. My lawn tractor is awaiting a new coil ($65.00) and yesterday the water company dug a 12 foot deep hole the size of an olympic swimming pool in the middle of our private road - with NO ADVANCE WARNING. Seriously! To enter our road we have to drive through a weed-filled ditch. After digging the hole they abandomed the project to deal with some leaks elsewhere but are now back. This is not turning out to be the best week.
The upside is we now have a steady steam of the cutest water company guys stopping in every few hours to give us updates on their progress. OK - I'm shallow...
A call is in to my computer guru and I will check in whenever I am able to wrest control of my hubby's computer (which isn't often)...
Thanks for all your kind thoughts. It is truly apprecated.
For all those waiting for answers to emails it may be awhile. Sorry...