Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Newsweek Attacks the Tea Party Movement

The usually calm and steady Jim Hoft (Gateway Pundit) is having a complete meltdown and I don't blame him. 

Posted by Jim Hoft on Wednesday, June 23, 2010, 5:55 AM

Almost Breaking News:

I've been remiss in telling you Nunly (Bad Habit) is back after a well deserved break!  Wooohooo!  She has graced us today with a most excellent article:  Corporate America and what that has come to mean to some politicians.

Pundette gives us  a dose of Chris Christie.
When Pundette was last seen she was being fanned by a passerby and was babbling incoherently about leg tingles.  Down girl!

Lest you think I've just been wasting time today instead of writing something brilliant (well ok - writing something that's barely passable), allow me to tell you what's up.  A huge batch of chili, a ginormous pot of butter beans (we make "mashed potatoes" out of them - delicious!!!), another ginormous pot of pintos, and beef vegetable soup are all simmering away on my stove.  Three meatloaves are ready to be vacuum sealed and frozen as well as slow simmered beef for stroganoff and other good things.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the link-love, I'm happy to be back but sure am rusty...I thought blogging was like riding a bike. Wrong. :-D

    After looking at the poll numbers for the Democrats and Obama, they are freaking out. The Tea Party is a big threat to them. I think I heard a blurb on Matthews show that Obama and the Dems lost 100% of the Independent and swing votes. That's huge and they are scared out of their minds! Ha!
