Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Linky Love and the usual pithy commentary...

Robin of Berkley at American Thinker in Deliver Us From Evil  is starting to realize what is at the core of our problems.  The presence of evil in our world is really not spoken about often enough.

Which brings us to this companion piece by Father Dwight Longenecker, Lead Us Not Into Temptation from which we also receive our quote of the day:
 ...sin is nothing positive. It is an absence of something good or a deformation or perversion of something good. The devil never created anything (except perhaps the double knit polyester leisure suit). All he can do is twist and pervert the good that God has created.
On the education front we have Patrick Archbold at Creative Minority Report taking on the teacher's union: Teachers Unions v. Education  --- the Facts.

To go along with that how about Parents are outraged after young teenagers were instructed on graphic sexual acts during a Planned Parenthood sex education class at the local high school in Shenandoah, Iowa.  All "sex education" needs to be removed from schools.  Period!  As a matter of fact, government run schools need to go away, too.

And if Obama and the people pulling his strings, haven't wreaked enough havoc - how about:  Senators Challenge Pres. Obama on Rumors of Executive Order Amnesty 

While O-what's-his-name is busy trying to sue Arizona he took time out to go after Louisiana: Federal Gov't Halts Sand Berm Dredging  via Memeorandum

Pat Austin (And So It Goes In Shreveport) weighs in with more info: Feds latest attempt to kill Louisiana: Dredging Stopped

I really like what Clifton B, Another Black Conservative, had to say about the "news that everyone is talking about"  Nikki Haley and Tim Scott win GOP nominations in South Carolina

Carol weighs in on Miley Cyrus  The Difference Between a Momentary Thing and a Star

 Hack Wilson has this to say about Miley: Miley Cyrus - From Disney Princess to Hollywood Whore

Here is my take on the Miley photo thingy:  Miley Cyrus, Stacy McCain, and that "going viral" Reuters photo w/Update

 The Blog Prof reminds us how Obama really feels about babies, both born and unborn: Irony: Pro-abort Obama on GOP efforts to repeal ObamaCare: "Would you want to go back to discriminating against children with preexisting conditions?"

McNorman reminds us that An Icon Has Passed

Bob Belvedere (The Camp of the Saints) brings us The Righteous Rant Of The Day… and we thank him!

And finally:  Stacy McCain brings us:  AL GORE SEX ATTACK! which he refers to women who have reached the age of 54 as - well here - read it yourself:
Wait — she’s 54 years old? This sick freak is going around molesting old ladies?
 I'm 64 and there is nothing, nada, zip that is old about me.  Dare I be so bold as to state that I would still be considered "molesting material."

It was four weeks yesterday since I've had a cigarette.  How cool is that??  If you smoke you need to look into electronic cigarettes. I've been very happy with the Vapor King...


  1. I agree, sex education should be dropped from the school curriculum. It is the job of parents to instruct children in sex education. Sure, it's not a comfortable thing to discuss, but there are books that can be used if the parents feel they cannot broach this subject without embarrassment. This is not only a subject about the physical aspects of sex, but morality plays into it also. Those of us who want our children to learn how to respect their bodies and respect the opposite sex, don't want Planned Parenthood (i.e. baby murderers) to write the curriculum for the schools.

    I want my grandkids to learn about Math, English, Writing, Geography (remember when they use to teach about Geography?) etc.

  2. I'm with mary Ellen. Here's the deal, my kids know about sex, how babies are made, but that it's in marriage these things happens. What really wiggs me out is them finding out about gay sex, nasty things that people do to each other in disgusting bathrooms, gay pride parades, Mardi Gras in New Orleans, etc. This is what freaks me out about them learning about sex at school (not that this is happening, its Catholic school and Msgr. teaches the boys 8th grade "health" class w/parents invited)

    Oh and as for BO halting the sand berms, why do you think that is? Once the oil is contained offshore and no longer washing up on the beach, people will forget and BO can't make a spectacle of himself vowing to "do what it takes" to stop the oil leak.
