Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Five Year Anniversary of Kelo

From the Institute for Justice:
Arlington, Va.Kelo was the U.S. Supreme Court ruling that became the property rights shot heard ’round the world.  Wednesday marks its fifth anniversary.
In the merely five years since that infamous ruling, the vast majority of state legislatures, many state supreme courts and the public itself have acted to limit Kelo, which took away the homes of seven New London, Conn., families for private development and sparked a nationwide backlash against eminent domain for private gain.

And what now stands on the land where 75 homes once stood around Susette Kelo’s little pink house?  Nothing but barren fields, weeds and feral cats.  Ten years lost and more than $80 million in taxpayer money spent.  Even Pfizer, which received massive corporate welfare to move to New London and sparked the abuses of eminent domain, has now announced that it will close its research and development headquarters and leave New London. read the rest

The sad part about this is Suzette Kelo will never live in her house again and enjoy her old tight knit neighborhood.  I always loved her cute little pink house with the beautiful flowers.

More at Hot Air:

Kelo’s fifth anniversary: a triumph of property-rights activism

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