Thursday, June 24, 2010

Well gee, if they're going to do it anyway - let's help...

This is wrong on so many levels that it would take the rest of the day to explore all the ramifications. Apply that statement to anything else and see how absurd it becomes.  By this reasoning we should be providing drunks with liquor, addicts some drugs, and homicidal maniacs with new guns.    

The thing I find most startling is the states willingness to usurp the role of the parent.  And you think there's not an agenda?   Better think again - and then make plans to homeschool.

Under a new Provincetown, Massachusetts school  policy, any student requesting a condom,  even elementary school age, will have condoms made available.  The policy does not require the school to contact parents.

Mass. school district under fire for condom policy


  1. Sick, sick, sick. What is wrong with these schools and the far, far left liberals who run them. The kids at that age have an idea of what sex is because they see so much of it around them. When 10 and 11 year old girls get pregnant, then what will they say.

    They want to make sure that these young girls become dependent upon welfare and are then taken out of the workforce. Do the women libbers not see that this is one way to take the women away from getting an education, a good paying job, and moving up into higher positions of management. Do they not see that some men have figured out how to get rid of women from the workforce, and this way they start them out young as barefoot and pregnant and then they will be uneducated on top of that.

    This almost sounds like what the Muslims believe because they allow their girls who are very young to get married and have babies. The sad thing is that many of these young girls are dying.

    Oh this so angers me.

    God bless.

  2. Lest we forget.............our safe schools czar is Kevin Jennings. What I would propose since Obama appointed him is that he babysit the first daughters. which would never happen in a million years, but if the President so approves of this pervert, why not?
