Thursday, May 13, 2010

Ascenesion Thursday

The Ascension of Our Lord, which occurred 40 days after Jesus Christ rose from the dead on Easter Sunday, is the final act of our redemption that Christ began on Good Friday. On this day, the risen Christ, in the sight of His apostles, ascended bodily into Heaven (Luke 24:51; Mark 16:19; Acts 1:9-11). 

From Father Speekman:
Today's readings are for all those among us who have come to realise that they are not in control.
This may seem a rather banal comment to make but it constantly surprises me how the older I get the more I realize, each time at a deeper level, my utter powerlessness to direct the unfolding circumstances of my own life, let alone those of others. More and more I feel like the Apostles in the first reading, a mere onlooker to the unfolding plan of God.   read the rest
 From Father Longenecker:
C.S.Lewis once wrote that in the end there will only be two kinds of people. Those who said to God, "Thy Will be done" and those to whom God says, "Thy will be done." This stark choice is the choice we are give by God because he really does grant us free will. Because we are created in His image and he is omnipotent he gives each one of us a little scrap of his omnipotence. We really can do what we will.  read the rest

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