Let It Burn
(emphasis mine)
For the past hundred years, America has been slowly moving away from the principles of its founding. The ideals of liberty, individual achievement, limited government, and the equality of opportunity have been slowly supplanted by calls for security, class warfare, excessive regulation, and the equality of outcome. The passage of stimulus acts, bailouts, government takeovers of two U.S. automakers, and the health care overhaul prove that our movement away from 1776 has accelerated.Passage of the health care bill has sparked a revival of small-government thinking, causing many to predict significant Republican gains in Congress this fall. But despite some short-term success, this small-government revival is doomed to fail. The depressing truth is that the only way to regain the full measure of those freedoms proclaimed in our Founding Documents is for our current federal government to completely collapse under the weight of its own excesses. read the rest
The 2008 Index of Government Dependency
Origins of the Welfare State in America
This article from 1995 is an eyeopener - Kicking America's Welfare Habit: Politics, Illegitimacy, and Personal Responsibility
How about a peek at all these sites:
Federal Health and Human Services Related Sites
- Dept of Health and Human Services
- Administration for Children and Families
- Administration on Developmental Disabilities
- Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement
- Office of Family Assistance
- Office of Planning, Research & Evaluation
- Code of Federal Regulations
- Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
- Nursing Homes and Care Facilities
Good work my friend, & linked at RR today:
Have a great weekend-