Thursday, May 13, 2010

Eric Cantor's "You Cut" Site. Will it make a difference?

Probably not, but it's a good way for Americans to begin to grasp the enormity of our problems. 

Check out You Cut

What the citizens of this fine country do not always grasp is the enormity of people receiving government funds.  We tend to think in terms of "welfare" without undersatnding how many people are affected or, as I prefer to think of it, infected.

Take a look at the Heritage Foundation's " The 2008 Index of Government Dependency."  It's long and dry - not nearly as much fun as reading jabs at Elena Kagan's appearance (what's up with that, anyway?  It's reprehensible and boorish.)

But here's the deal.  All this other stuff is merely a distraction from the main issue.  The number of people who receive some sort of benefit from the government far outweighs the number of productive citizens.  Even middle-class citizens are being roped in by clunker replacements and caulk for their house.  Just last week, a company contacted me to check all my duct work and do any and all repairs, compliments of my electric company.  Uh, no.  My electric company is not paying for this.  The government, meaning you, is shelling out your tax dollars.  I politely declined.

I'm heading out to plant the rest of my bushes (45 total), and when I return we'll chat about this focus on Obama.   Glenn Beck, for all his histrionics, is on the right track.  Obama is a nothing more than a puppet. After Glenn's Crime, Inc programs, I spent over a week doing nothing but researching his information.  I was shocked by the ease with which I was able to vet the people and organizations in question.

My next question would have to be, "Why is Glenn Beck able to freely point out these connections?"  The only conclusion has to be because these people don't care.  And why not?  Because they've got the system wired, and it's not to our benefit.

More to come...

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