Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Angela McGlowan w/ Updates

Pro-life, pro-gun, anti-tax, anti-wasteful government spending conservative Republican running to represent Mississippians in the 1st congressional district.

RightKlik gives us a look at real racism.  Highlighted is Angela McGlowan, a drop-dead gorgeous  lady (who happens to be black),  running for congress as a conservative Republican.  

The only people I hear talking about race since the election of a half black man is the lefties.  It's just more divide and conquer.  Don't fall for it...

From RightKlik:

Black Conservative Tea Party Backers: Oreos

From AP:

Black conservative tea party backers take heat

H/T and more discussion at Memeorandum 

From BlogProf - a great overview of what's going on.  We thank him!
Detroit News: "President Barack Obama's election has inspired a record number of African-American candidates to run for Congress this year. What's surprising is that they're running as Republicans"

From Clifton B of Another Black Conservative:

Black Conservatives and the Tea Party movement



  1. you need to join this group my friend Sherry is on....let me go get the link....

  2. here you go. this is what Sherry said about it

    "a group of conservative political women bloggers. (Could we get more idiocyncratic? sp?) called potluck.

    check it out ... let me know what you think!

  3. When I grow up I want to be like Angela or Adrienne. Smart and classy.

    (I keep forgeting I am a grown up. Nothing wrong with having a goal.)

  4. If you want to know Angela's views on guns listen to this radio interview.
