Wednesday, April 7, 2010

A Pervert Talks About Perversion

From Gateway Pundit:

Rosie O’Donnell: Catholic Church Is Like the Jonestown Cult (Audio)
 O’DONNELL (43:28): I’m saying that to support an organization where at the top of the infrastructure, are people willing to ignore the mass child abuse and torture and sexual molestation of its own constituents.
It’s almost like when you read about cults, Jonestown, all these cults [that] allow sexual perversity and sexual behavior.
 Let me make sure I understand this.  Rosie O'Donnell, a woman who has sexual relations with other women, is talking about sexual perversity?  How weird is that?


  1. In a world that quickly forgets, Rosie is struggling very hard to remain relivant. I can remember her child/husband abuse stories that were used for "dramatic" effect a few years ago.

    Adrienne - the only damage she's doing is to her own credibility. She's become a sick Hollyweird joke only no one is laughing. IMHO Rosie is a couple of anecdotes short of being certifiable.

  2. LOL!!!! I love it when you speak the truth!!!!

  3. People like Rosie rarely see their own hypocrisy. They're pathetic.

  4. I agree.. Rosie isn't really in any position to be judging the the Church founded by Christ. A very, very misquided soul. It's tragic.

  5. Rosie has a lot of "hot gas"...poor thing.
    She needs a mucho conversion; this is what happens to Irish Catholics on the East Coast; many of them go insane.
    Sorry; I can say it; I'm part Irish.
    She's M.E. so wisely said.

  6. I honestly believe she is mentally ill.
