Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Sebelious Calls This a "Cheap Political Stunt"

It doesn't surprise me  that Minnesota and Wisconsin have joined together in support of Obamacare.  Just another reason I don't live there anymore...

What does surprise me is how many of the comments on the Mpls Star-Tribune  article about their  attorney general filing suit were against ObamaCare.  Is the tide turning in the home of the liberals?


From Hot Air:

States suing over ObamaCare now reaches 18


  1. The arrogance and condescension from this administration knows no bounds- makes you sick to listen to these fools lash-out as their little scheme implodes

  2. I have a close personal friend who is a school bus driver. After the election she had to move to a different district because of the blatant racism against whites by the black supervisor and drivers.

    she recently went back to her first district due to financial necessity....funny thing...the tune being sung in the bus yard is DRASTICALLY DIFFERENT than a year ago. She said now all these folks who voted for him (in Texas no less) are mad as hell at the man. I asked her what was their major gripe...

    now get this

    broken campaign promises.



    BO, dude, don't bite the hand that feeds ya.

  3. I would love to see Illinois on that list but since we are stuck with the slime buckets who gave us Obama to begin with...they'll never admit that this bill is a big fraud, just like Obama is.

  4. I'm ashamed that Tennessee is not on the list. Our legislatures want to join the lawsuit, but our idiot AG says that federal law trumps state law. We are collectively replying, "not if the law is unconstitutional to begin with" --sheesh.
