Saturday, January 16, 2010

Overheard at the Thrift Store

Yesterday I had to make a quick run to one of my favorite thrift stores run by Real Life Ministries, a local mega-church that teaches Catholics aren't Christians.  Heading out the front door, I overheard the volunteer running the check-out telling several customers that, "Of course the earth quake was caused by a pact with the devil. Everyone knows they practice voodoo in Haiti." One of the customers was making a half-hearted attempt to refute the statement, and another was agreeing.

My first inclination was to leap across the counter, grab the woman by the throat, shake her like a rag-doll, all the while screaming, "Are you insane or just stupid?"  I successfully squelched that idea.

My second inclination was to simply shout the aforementioned statement across the room.  I finally just shook my head and headed out the door marveling at the stupidity of people.

What would you have done?

I'll be back after breakfast with some major linky love...


Adoro said...

Well, voodoo is practiced in different places all over the world. So is Satanism, Santeria...etc etc etc. So...why have "pacts with the devil" not caused our buildings to fall on us and kill us and our loved ones in great misery....everywhere?

Unbelievable. I probably would have snarked, "Superstitious much?" and left.

X said...

Gave them Terry Nelson's phone number.

Sarah - Kala said...

I may have asked, "Well, irregardless, what are YOU doing to help the massive suffering going on in Haiti?"

Adrienne said...

Adoro - that's waaaaay too rational. heh

Adrienne said...

Angela - ROFLMAO!!!!!!

Adrienne said...

Sarah - but, but, but .... why should they help? After all those people asked for it, doncha know!

Actually - their church (as misguided as it is) is probably taking up huge collections.

They do have a latte stand and cafe in the entrance area which I think would be cool for our Churches. Only kiiiiiiidding

Ebeth said...

Rush Limbaugh said that one of the top things on the list of needs for the Haitians were condoms....I'm confused by that, but as far as voodoo and packs with the satan, there is no confusion there, but humans are still humans and my response would have been from across the room,
"They are still suffering, so quit judging them and put your money where your mouth is....Christian!? Waving my Immaculate Conception holy card at them....

Austringer said...

That is a toughie, Adrienne........I would like to think I would have had something pithy to say, but it's always easy to entertain that idea when I'm sitting at my computer, miles away from your shoes.
But -- IF I would have said something, and IF I could of thought it right there on the spot (yeah, right), I would have said: But think about what Jesus said about the 18 people who were killed by the fall of the tower of Siloam. Instead of saying that their deaths were punishment for their rebellious and sinful behavior, Jesus taught that death can come upon anyone, regardless of how sinful they are. He went on to teach that the need for all people to repent is the true lesson to learn from these tragedies. However, I might also add what Father Longenecker pointed out at in his post yesterday: belief does condition behavior. I gather that Voodoo, like other pagan beliefs, has a high degree of fatalism in it. So, people who are fatalistic in their outlook are not likely to lift themselves out of difficulties vert easily or act to improve their own lot or the welfare of others. So, there may be a psychological consequence to voodooism that has affected the affairs of Haiti, instead of a direct, wrathful act of God. When God punished nations in the Old Testament, He seemed to be quite clear with them why they were being punished and that it was His hand upon them. I haven't heard God say that the Haitian earthquake was His punishment, therefore I will not pretend to know His will in this matter.

Subvet said...

I'd probably spin around, go to the counter and inform that individual Christ has said the rain falls on both the just and unjust. Building on that quotation, I'd point out the arrogance of seeing the vengeful hand of the Almighty in such a tragedy.

With my luck, they'd call the cops. Being male, loud, 6'3", over 250 lbs. and with a tattooed right arm can work against you. Especially when the word "PISSED" is flashing on your forehead.

Mark D. said...

I would quote to them the passage in the Gospels about the Tower of Siloam. Bad things happen in the world, bad things that often have very little to do with whether we deserve them or not. The proper response when we see bad things happen to others is to: 1) pray for them; 2) help them if we can; 3) remember our own sinfulness and our own unworthiness before the Throne of God's righteousness...

Adrienne said...

ebeth - I can actually hear you saying that...

Adrienne said...

Austie - You get the award for the most intelligent comment. I really didn't know that about Voodoo and such being fatalistic. I'll have to study up on that...

Adrienne said...

Sub - LOL

My problem in starting to say anything when I'm really mad is I may lose control and revert back to my first choice for a response.

Adrienne said...

Mark - I can see you saying that in a very scholarly voice.

Me? Not so much. Anyhoo, strangling sounds like more fun!

Old Bob said...

I think a big sincere smile and the sign of the cross in the air would blow their minds. ;-)

Adrienne said...

Bob - why the heck didn't I think of that??? Maybe I should start dangling my rosary while I'm in there.

I always think it's funny that the stuff I purchase there to re-purpose for my Etsy shop benefits a Catholic - I love the irony...

Andrew said...

My understanding is that PR said God was punishing them for making a (literal) deal with the devil to throw out the French. I'm fairly ignorant of the Bible (both New and Old Testament), but is God normally in the habit of waiting a few hundred years before punishing someone/city/area/etc.?

Adrienne said...

Andrew - God can do anything He wants...

However PR was a tad off-base with his comments. If God directly punished people when they did something wrong the planet would have been emptied eons ago...

Adrienne said...

Colleen - sometimes you just realize that to say something would be a waste of time...

Larry Denninger said...

I would have said "Well, if that's true, make sure your life insurance is current, because your anti-Catholic butts are next!"

Just kidding!!

And I like Angela's suggestion!

Adrienne said...

Larry - too funny. Yep, Angela's idea was stellar!

Anonymous said...

Everyone here is so much braver than me! I would have rolled my eyes with a loud "Humph" and walked out, immediately called my husband on the cellphone from the saftey of my car w/locked doors and told him what those crazy people @ the thrift store said!

I'm wimpy like that. :)

Lola said...

This isn't kind but I just saw this on Ebay:

Jennifer said...

Send RealLife a letter explaining in very simple terms that Catholoics are indeed Christians and that they should be informing employees that vocalizing craziness and saying Haitians are dying because of religious practices is why people think Christians are crazy nuts in the first place.

Jennifer said...

By the way, my sister is a loyal RealLifer and occasionally will voice the anti-Catholic garbage that the pastor passes along to congregants.

Adrienne said...

Jennifer - that's actually a pretty dang good idea. Let me think on that...

MightyMom said...

oh I seriously doubt I'd be able to keep my BIG mouth shut....something like "YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME RIGHT??!!" would slip out and then?

well, I used to watch a LOT of WWF.

and I plead the 5th.