Friday, January 22, 2010

Glenn Beck: The Revolutionary Holocaust

Thanks to Left Coast Rebel and all his hard work, I was able to view Glenn Beck's show The Revolutionary Holocaust.   It is something that I can, with all confidence, recommend to anyone and urge you to view. What I saw was nothing new for me, but for many of my younger readers may be the wake-up call they need.

I find it ironic that I watched this on the same night that every station tonight is broadcasting a telethon populated mostly with degenerate Hollywood "entertainers" who would be the first to be annihilated under the regime of their hero Che Guevarra.

Again, many thanks to Left Coast who provided the link to:

One thing communism, socialism, and the "ideal" of collectivism have in common is an absence of a belief in God.  A God who was our Creator and holds all life precious.  Ignore this truth at your own peril.


Fr. John Mary, ISJ said...

Adrienne: I hate to admit this; we watched about five seconds of this "guilt fest" and I had to turn it off or the foot was going to go through the screen...and we can't afford to trash a television.
What an orgy of absolute trash.
Respect life, you idiots, is what I want to say.
Don't just 'do guilt' when something awful happens.
There, I said it without profanity. Am I good?

Old Bob said...

"Ignore this truth at your own peril." Well said, Adrienne! Thank you!!

Anonymous said...

We watched it tonight (I dvr'ed it). I didn't know about what Stalin did to the Ukrainians. I know that after WWII he continued his murdering spree. How awful to just have so much food growing and starving to death.

Adrienne said...

Bob - thanks

Adrienne said...

Nazareth Priest - I'm confused about what you found offensive. Perhaps after watching the entire show you could share your thoughts. I would be eager to hear your thoughts and happy to publish them here.

email me at adrienne at icehouse dot net

Fr. John Mary, ISJ said...

Addrienne: Sorry.
I was referring to "a telethon populated mostly with degenerate Hollywood "entertainers" who would be the first to be annihilated under the regime of their hero Che Guevarra." not the Glenn Beck show.
Will watch the GB show.
The other thing was what got "my Irish" know me; ever ready to fire!

Homestay Mama said...

Adrienne, thanks for these links. I watched the whole 1 hour. I'm so glad Glenn Beck is doing his best to educate us Americans. I hope he isn't too late. I'm afraid we didn't learn any of this when we were in school and our brains have been slowly turning to mush for the past 40+ years! God help us!

Adrienne said...

nazareth priest - Whew --- ok then. Honestly - my jaw hit the keyboard when I read your comment. I couldn't for life of me figure it out. Too funny!!

Glenn's team of people did an outstanding job on that video.

Adrienne said...

Homestay Mama - Glenn Beck has his moments of sounding slightly derailed but he has been pretty dang dead on when it comes to his history.

Since the first time I ever saw a kid wearing a Che T-shirt it turned my stomach. Same reaction when I see someone wearing a swastika.

The schools are too busy teaching multiculturalism and "greenie weenie" carp. No time for history and what history they do teach is usually wrong. Can you say "1984"??

Adrienne said...

motherhen - The "wealthy" farmers were called Kulaks. I'm sure I learned this part of history from my Mom. Having been educated mostly before the 1960's the history I was taught was pretty good. Now it's a joke...

Ebeth said...

Hey Adrienne! Yes, we watched the Glenn Beck documentary yesterday on the big tour bus 50 March for Lifers rode home from DC. My buddy and I got the bus driver to find Fox on the satelite channel and didn't even ask around if they wanted to watch it......there were several 'Oh! and wows' let me tell you!

How are you my friend?

Fr. John Mary, ISJ said...

Auntie A:
Watched the segments on Glenn Beck's video on Youtube.
Rivetting...frightening...absolutely right on.
The Ukrainian genocide is something that no one wants to talk about; it's just horrific.
And the Cuban thing; Che Guevarra, Jesus, mercy!
As a very young child I remember Cuban refugees who were friends of my parents (he is a physician); they came to the US to escape this insanity. In some small way, I have been touched by this whole horror in Cuba.
Thank you for making me aware of this documentary.
(And now I understand your comment about the 'dissolute celebrities' who worship C. G...yeah, and Brangelina are getting a divorce [with six kids, no less]...she doesn't find a problem with infidelity, acccording to the British "rags"...I'll bet. Yechh!)

Adrienne said...

ebeth - good for you! We need to educate everyone!

I'm doing ok. Miss Elle (but she's playing with Dodge, for sure!)

Adrienne said...

I had a good friend who was from Cuba. The stories are horrific!

In order for Brangelina to get divorced they'd have to get married first. This is just the breakup of a business partnership. No thought to the kids at all. They should have NEVER been allowed to adopt!

Fr. John Mary, ISJ said...

Auntie A: I don't understand how this "couple" is able to adopt these children...they are a couple of misfits, marriage-wise...
Dumb me; I thought they were actually married...
infidelity is okay?
According to whom?
Why are these children being put into this "chaos"...again, dumb me; just a celibate male religious...but, why is this okay with most of the whatever media/celebrity/cultural wisdom?
I don't get it...

Adrienne said...

Nazareth Priest - we don't get it because we're "old-fashioned" and out of touch. /sarcasm...

I hesitate to cal either of them pigs because I like pigs...

Poor kids!

Kevin said...

(Heavy sigh) I had made a mental note to watch the GB show and was glad I did (with my kids). The pain in my heart is for the world we are in (but not "of") that so needs to hear the truth but refuses.