Monday, September 21, 2009

Health Care Bill Predictions

I love it when Obama plasters his face on the TV screens of the American public. The more he talks the worse it gets. Yesterday he hit 5 morning shows and tonight he'll be on Letterman. Since he's already told us a gazillion times, "if you like your plan you can keep your plan and ditto for your doctor", he has now switched to the mandatory requirement in "his" plan.

If any single thing will destroy this whole thing it will be the forcing of people to buy health insurance. The American public is fed up with being regulated and coerced. The elites, including Obama, keep bringing up mandatory car insurance as an example of how well it all works. Could I have a show of hands of the number of people that have been in an auto accident with someone with no insurance? I could raise my hand at least FOUR times. So how's that mandatory thing working for us all?

Oh, but wait. This time it's diiiiiifferent. They're going to fine you a nice chunk of change for not having health insurance. They're also going to tax sugary soft drinks, cut Medicare, expand Medicaid - all in the interests of "saving" money and funding health insurance.

Yesterday I read all the amendments relating to the latest incarnation of the health bill. Only in the hallowed halls of Congress could someone say increasing Medicaid eligibility to 150% of poverty level and providing universal coverage for children"saves money." And that's just the tip of the iceberg. Take a few minutes and at least read the summary of the amendments.

Thanks to Pamela Geller over at Atlas Shrugged, I spent some time on Physicians for Reform. They outline exactly how to fix health delivery. And what do they say? Why exactly what I've been saying all along.

Three fundamental reforms are needed to stabilize American healthcare. If any one of them is neglected, patient-centered healthcare will not survive. We must correct the inefficiencies or our present system, not simply spend more money on a system destined to fail.

  1. Insurance Reform
  2. Tax Reform
  3. Tort Reform
But, what the hay - seeing as how Barry is going to render us unable to protect ourselves while he strives to be the savior of the world, we probably won't need health care. We'll all just end up nuked and we won't even get 72 virgins.


Mary Ellen said...

Da Mayor Shortshanks Daley in Chicago has already taxed soft drinks, and alcohol. This is where Obama gets his ideas...from a mob boss in Chicago. Welcome to the Chicago Way, gone National.

Anonymous said...

You now know 5 who were in an accident w/someone who had no insurance. In fact, they got out, checked to see if I was ok, told me they had no insurance, got into their car and floored it outta there. Yay!

primerica insurance said...

This is exactly what should be done. The voice of physicians should be listened to. By the way Physicians for reform is very interesting site. If we don't listen those who are in direct effect of any change in health care, nobody will be satisfied. Good Luck!

Anonymous said...

Not to mention auto insurance (more precisely, liability insurance) and health insurance are two completely different animals. Liability insurance is (1) completely avoidable - don't buy a car, and (2) intended to protect others from your actions. Health insurance (1) would not be avoidable if mandated - what are you supposed to do, not live? and (2) is designed to protect yourself, not others.

Mary Ellen said...

If any single thing will destroy this whole thing it will be the forcing of people to buy health insurance.

I forgot to add...the above is right on the mark. The big boon in Obama's bill is going to the health care industry who will be raking in the dough with new "customers". They have lobbyists swarming the Capital, along with the Big Pharma, and various other organizations. Who do we have to speak for us? No one. If we try to speak out for ourselves, we're branded "tea-baggers", "un-American", "fat, lazy, trailer trash" and "racists".