Wednesday, September 24, 2008

~~~ Catholic Contest Winner ~~~

I know I could have awarded the winner and the runners up with some wonderful Catholic item like Paramedic Girl did for her contest, but instead I chose to labor away at my PhotoShop program (about which I know nothing), and made a special badge for display on your blog.

In my typical ADD fashion I waited until the last moment before tackling a job I am woefully unprepared to accomplish. Thanks to my newly acquired Photoshop Elements 6 The Missing Manual, I was able to barely eke out this sort of cute little badge. I know all you PS wizards - (you know who you are Mary Rose, * Carolina Cannonball, * Vincenzo, et al) are probably rolling on the floor laughing your "you know whats" off over this paltry little task. Trust me - it was HUGE for me.
Starting in true Dancing with the Stars fashion -

the second runner up is:
who logged in with 73 Catholic items

The first runner up is -

with a count of 79 Catholic items


...and the winner is - ta da and a drum roll please:

with an astonishing 124 Catholic sacramentals


Just so no one will be left out (Angela in particular, cries when she doesn't get something) we have this badge that proclaims to the world, "I don't have nearly enough Catholic Stuff".

  • Tom in Vegas - who has an undetermined number of sacramentals
  • Uncle Jim - who is struggling with his count. I suggested he get help from Aunt Roz, but in true male manner he refused. He was last seen sitting in the hall with his shoes and socks off to facilitate his counting.
  • Kasia - 38
  • Paramedic Girl - 38
  • Rita - 27
  • Angela - 22 (Although she is minting her own Miraculous Medals so the count may well be higher by now)
  • Paula B52 - 19
  • Irene - 16
  • Cathy of Alex - 15
  • Kirk - 13
  • Emily - 10
  • Roses & Jessamine - not sure but she does have hundreds of Holy Cards
  • Karen in Canada - 9
  • Mark in Spokane - 5 Being an honest attorney type (which is a whole different contest), he refuses to include his wife's sacramentals.

Display your badges with your heads held high knowing that you are contributing to the notion that "Catholics worship statues"



EC Gefroh said...

Ha! I bet you thought I was exaggerating too :-) Mahalo nui loa for this prize! I'll proudly display it on my blog.

EC Gefroh said...

me again Adrienne. My total comes out to 93 not 124. Do I still win :-)

Adrienne said...

Huh?? How did I mess that up? I counted twice....

Yes - that still makes you a winner and I'm too lazy to go change the post.

I deserve a trip to Costco to get some candy for my hubby. Tomorrow is his birthday....

X said...

I LOVE IT!!!!! Proudly posting on my blog!!!

Kirk said...

And I'm posting it on my blog too! Will it encourage me to obtain more I wonder?

Mark D. said...

Thanks for mentioning me! Maybe not nearly enough stuff, true -- but perhaps I yearn for quality, rather than quantity? :-)

Adoro said...

Aww...thanks, sweetie! And I'm VERY impressed with your photoshop abilities. A co-worker tried to show me how to do things, I tried to apply it...and all I can do is erase an oval or a square and create "layers" that don't merge.

Thus...I will NEVER be a graphic artist. I think I'll stick with charcoals and just write... * sigh *

And Mark...I resent that! My sacramentals ARE quality! Each and every one are special. Jesus said, "To the who has more, more is given..."
:-) God has blessed me, no doubt. And one day I may be giving them all away...I'll put you on the list...(I'm very impressed with your "honest attorney" rep. How did you get through Law School? Don't they weed you out?)

And...back to Adrienne: Anything I can do to make the Jack Chick and Tony Alamo burst a vein in their foreheads makes it worth it!

Oh, I'm going to Hell for that, I know....

* sigh *