Monday, September 15, 2008

Another Catholic Contest

Paramedicgirl over at Salve Regina has started a contest for those out in cyberspace who have the fewest "sacramentals" - what I call "stuff."

To quote her:

"Ready, set go! Count up your items while I search for an appropriate prize to award to the person who actually owns the fewest sacramentals. You didn't think I would give it to the one who has plenty, did you?"

Contest Here for Most Stuff

Without doing a new count right now (it's too late "to brain"), I'm thinking Jean Heimann at Catholic Fire is leading. Jean also spends quality time at Behold Your Mother, One Came Back, and the Good Health Blog. I call this blogging on steroids and I have nothing but admiration for someone that can keep that much going.

Now our very own Adoro is right up there with Jean. Angela is still busy shopping to catch up. Some folks have raised the concern about this shopping thing after the initial count. I'm going to allow it because anyone needy enough to go to those lengths to win must really, really need to win. Just a warning to Angela - if you go shopping for Miraculous Medals, you won't find any. Adoro has them all.

Rita over at Tigerish Waters was surprised at the number of things she had stashed in her house. They do become part of the background after awhile.

It reminds me of a phone conversation I had with a Presbyterian friend. I asked him if he actually thought Catholics worshipped statues. He assured me that was nonsensical and no, he never for one minute thought that. After hanging up the phone I took a quick survey of my house and promptly called him back and said, " Guess what? We do worship statues!"

Isn't being Catholic fun?


X said...

You won't believe this but I forgot to count some of my stuff! I won't bother listing it because you won't believe me anyway boohoo!

PS....I have set up a workshop in my basement and am cranking out my own Miraculous Medals!!!

uncle jim said...

i'm still counting

EC Gefroh said...

Ok, here are my totals. I may have missed a few here and there because I counted as quickly as I could:

Crucifixes - 8

Statues - 24

Pictures - 31 (this count includes 2 Sacred Heart Home Enthronement, 1 Apostolic Blessing by JPII, and a framed relics display.

Holy Water Fonts -2

Holy Water bottles - 2 or 3

Holy Oil - 4 or more

Nativity Set - 2

Blessed Candles - at least 10

Blessed Salt - large bag of Blessed Hawaiian Salt

Rosaries - 8

I'd better stop now before the list gets too long :-)

irene said...

Could there be such a thing as Catholic materialism???

Anonymous said...

Just to let you know...i give a rats ass what you think.


Tracy said...

Isn't being Catholic fun?

You darn right it is!!


Mark D. said...

I hate to admit this, but I personally only have five sacramentals: 2 rosaries (one that was made my grandmother), and two icons, and one Byzantine-style crucifix.

I need to get more stuff!

Now, my wife on the other hand, has all of the sacramentals that one could imagine...

Adoro said...

Um....I don't have ALL the Miraculous medals. I just have the ones that are blessed by John Paul II.

irene said...
