Thursday, February 7, 2008

Penance for Lent

Karen over at Gem of the Ocean has tagged me. This truly creates suffering worthy to be offered up for Lent. I thank Karen from the depths of my itty-bitty soul.

We are to tag bloggers from around the world that we really like to read. I will do my best to comply. An exact number of tags were not specified so let your conscience be your guide.

My number one all time favorite would have to be Father John Speekman at Homilies and Reflections from Australia. Father John always has something profound to say that touches my heart. He would be close to perfect if it wasn't for his obsession with lizards.

Father Valenchek at Adam's Ale closely follows Father John. His love for God, the Church, and all of us shines brightly in his musings. Ohio is sort of like a foreign country, isn’t it?

Andrew Haines at In Umbris Sancti Petri is going to be busy this next week with exams at the Pontificià Università Gregoriana in Rome. When he returns maybe he will take a moment to join in with a few tags of his own. I'm very interested in what these smart fellers studying to be priests read in the little bit of spare time they have.

I have to tag Angela at Where Angel's Go 'cause if I don't she will end up in the corner sniveling and twisting her hair around a finger. This woman LOVES to be tagged - for anything! Ooooops! I see now that Karen has already tagged Angela. Just 'cause I love her she's staying.

And last, but certainly not least, Tom in Vegas at Science, Religion, and Miscellaneous Babble. He deserves to be tagged for playing the best music of any blog I visit, and sharing his home with Critter, the cutest dog in blogdom (except for my two.) If Ohio is “sort of” a foreign country, Las Vegas definitely is!


Tom in Vegas said...

Auntie A-

THANK YOU! I've got one tag ahead of yours that I have to comply with by either tonight or tomorrow. Then comes yours.:)

uncle jim said...

'tag' to do what? or answer what? just to be tagged? is that it? I'm only a few days or weeks older than you at this blogging thing, so there's a lot I don't know and haven't experienced yet. but once you're tagged, what do you do? just tag someone else by name? and they do likewise? too simple.

Adrienne said...

Uncle Jim - this is a "do the blue moment"

We're just passing on good "out of country" blogs we like to read. It's a great way to "network" or some such thing.

You would have laughed your you know what off, if you had watched me chew up 4 HOURS trying to upload an MP3 to my post. There are ways to do it that are so complicated that my brain turned to mush. Mind you - not someone else's music but my hubbies glorious guitar version of The Lord's Prayer from one of his CD's.

uncle jim said...

never use an mp3
wife and i are both kind of lost with some of the newer technology
she received an i-pod at christmas from one of her student's family - she's never had it out of the package - doesn't know what to do with it.
and I'm no help.

gemoftheocean said...

well around the world -- which includes the US I did my picks from US regions and out of the country blogs. LV qualifies as another planet. Where else would a priest not mind if there were casino chips in the collection plate?

X said...

Awww! I wuv you too Adwien. (twisting my hair around my finger and sniveling - OMGosh - that is so me!!! ROFLMaO!!!!)

Fr John Speekman said...

Thank you for the tag, Adrienne. I suddenly feel my life has moved into a higher dimension .. hehehe. Blogging is more fun than I thought it would be. I will wait till I get onto some really difficult tag .. like .. name 1000 sins you've committed .. and then you'll cop it. Actually, sounds a bit Lenten.

swissmiss said...

Alright, I've finally gotten a meme to tag you with! I think you tagged me twice before and now I'm repaying the tag. It's the middle name tag that Karen tagged me with. Had to tag the (ex)-St. Pauli girl!

Fr. V said...

Hey! Thanks!

& God bless,

Fr. V