Saturday, February 9, 2008

Hit and Run

I was just sitting here trying to conjure up something that would fill the need for an uplifting, intelligent, relevant, and spiritual post. As official overseer of the swollen hand (see previous post), I am teetering on the brink of exhaustion.

Along comes Swiss Miss at St. Monica's Kneeler to save the day with a meme to keep me occupied and online. Swiss has performed a cyber hit and run. She hit me with a meme, and ran to a party. Party? Isn’t it Lent?

Middle Name Meme

1. You have to post the rules before you give your answers. (Well, duh!)

2. You must list one fact about yourself beginning with each letter of your middle name. (If you don't have a middle name, use your maiden name or your mother's maiden name).

3. At the end of your blog post, you need to tag one person for each letter of your middle name. (Be sure to leave them a comment telling them they've been tagged.)

My middle name is Louise and I think just about every lady close to my age has the same middle name.

L - The L would definitely stand for light hearted. A person from my past used to say I had the gift of insouciance, which has led to a life of serendipity. I would have to agree.

O – Opinionated is really my middle name. I have an opinion on everything and I’m usually right. Just ask Tom of Vegas. By the way Tom, I ran into someone using "irregardless" that should have known better. In the spirit of Lent, I kept my commenting fingers to myself.

U – My friends and family would call me uproariously funny. That is a result of a lifetime lived with ADD. Folks with Attention Deficit Disorder develop their comedic side as a means of protection. No one will notice if you can’t memorize your multiplication tables if they are busy laughing.

I – I could be called the Inquiring Italian. One of my mottos has been “Inquiring minds need to know.”

S – If my Mom were still alive, she would say "sassy" but I would rather say "silly". Neither of these traits is good.

E – I have been accused (more than once) of being effusive. It's definitely an Italian trait. Everything in my world is unrestrained and over the top. My pastor calls me a drama queen. He’s just jealous.
In need of a nap, I call on all my blogger friends to pick up the stick and run with it. I need six people to do this meme.


Tom in Vegas said...

Someone used "irregardles"??? Goodness gracious!! That to you is what a cross is to a vampire:0) LOL!

Leave it to Tony to deal with them.

BTW, "irregardless" has some respectable baring among some academicians (no, they're not stupid). It's a term that surfaced some time in the twentieth century and seems to be a combination of "irrespective" and "regardless."

Adrienne said...

Tom - You're just trying to annoy me by defending that stupid word with its illogical double negative pairing of the prefix (ir-) and suffix (-less), which renders it redundant, Next you're going to tell me it is a most or very unique word, which may just force me to perform a frontal lobotomy on myself.

Alas and alack and lucky for you, it is Lent and I shall remain calm, even though the sound of that word is like the squeaking of chalk on a black board.

gemoftheocean said...

Effusive is GOOD!!!! [Your pastor IS jealous. People should feel things deeply!]

I'd rather have a "hot" or "cold" reaction but the "lukewarm" kills me with boredom.

That "irregardless" reminds me of the argument in 1776 between Adams and Jefferson "inalienable" vs. "Unalienable" Adams: "I'll speak to the printer about it...."

Remind me why we need "flammable" and Inflammable" - I thought that "flammable" pretty much has it covered.

My favorite street sign "open trench"

[So help me I saw that. I thought pretty much by its very nature a "trench" was "open."


swissmiss said...

Glad to see you have a middle name that's practically as long as mine!

Loved your traits. I always thought I'd marry an Italian (we used to attend a predominately Italian parish, St. Ambrose, growing up). Instead I married a Krauty Leprechaun.

Silly and sassy aren't so bad, I almost said sarcastic for my "s," which I think might be worse.