Sunday, February 17, 2008

And a voice came out of the cloud; saying: This is my beloved son.
Hear him.


Tom in Vegas said...

You are referencing one of my favorite scripture verses. I wonder how modern day hermeneutics looks at this passage?

ArchAngel's Advocate said...

Herman who? (Sorry, the old jokes are the best...)

Adrienne said...

Tom - We love all the same verses

AA -- Just like me (old, I mean)

ArchAngel's Advocate said...

Adrienne, only God is old. Comparatively speaking, we're all spring chickens

Terry Nelson said...

I would have loved to have witnessed this. Nice picture.

Adrienne said...

Thanks Terry - I painted that last weekend in between my other duties.

AA - I like the way you look at age:)

Athanasis Contra Mundum said...

I like how Moses and Elijah next to Jesus emphasizes that He is the fulfillment of the Law.