Friday, February 15, 2008

2008 Catholic Blog Awards

Thanks to Father V, Adoro, and Cathy for the Info

Nominations open today at NOON for the 2008 Catholic Blog Awards.
Nominations for the 2008 Catholic Blog Awards will open this year at 12:00 Noon CST on Friday, February 15, 2008 and close on Friday, February 29, 2008 at 12:00 Noon CST. Voting will begin on Monday, March 3, 2008 at 12:00 Noon CST and end on Monday, March 17, 2008 at Noon.

To quote Adoro:

And I have to second what Cathy suggested - let's give some more attention to the smaller blogs. Each year the "big" blogs like "Closed Cafeteria" and professional Catholic apologists' blogs get huge nominations and massive votes. What about the average blogger in the pews here at St. Blogs? I can think of several bloggers who deserve these awards. So let's motivate to make some changes, and focus our spotlights on the people who do a great job in their humble ways.

And in all honesty, I get a LOT more spiritual benefit, and often, true solid knowledge from the everyday Catholic blog, than I do from the big ones that steal the awards every year. So everyone, think about the blogs you love to read, and get ready to nominate them! I know of a few I can't wait to nominate!


Cathy_of_Alex said...

Good! "The revolution will not be televised" But, it will be blogged! *hee-hee

Jeffrey Smith said...

I agree completely, but there's a problem. Whenever I try to go to the site, and I've done it from a dozen different blogs, I get a page saying I can't access the server unless I install something called "Drupal". Any idea what's going on?

Adrienne said...

Have you tried just going directly rather than a link?? I know that sounds like a rather stupid suggestion for a smart guy like you and I'm not trying to insult you ----really! Just google Catholic Blog Awards and see what happens.

Let me know what happens. Perhaps if you keep having a problem I can email them for you and find out what's wrong.

I was just talking about Ohio with my brother in Minnesota and you and your beautiful pictres came up. Spent the day looking at Canton (on line). Ohio is starting to look mighty good to us.