Monday, April 11, 2022

It's all too much...

 as we head into Holy Week.

My guru worked magic on my computer, which according to him was about the worst case of being jammed up he'd ever had to fix. It's zipping along like a puppy with a bad case of the zoomies now.

Thing is, I'm becoming more and more "low tech."**  It's so time consuming to sort out the truth in the news that's it's become easier to just ignore the majority of the propaganda. I do know this, if the "elites" are stumping for a certain position, you can be assured it's not only wrong, but very likely evil.

A few days ago, I re-watched Schindler's List. It would be impossible for a thinking person to watch that movie and not compare it to much of what is going on now. How the principle actors, we're looking at you Liam Neeson, have the current opinions is beyond puzzling, but not surprising.

 Oskar Schindler, a bad Catholic, a lousy husband, and an all-around not very nice guy, is proof that even bad people can do good things. Over thirty years ago, there were over 1000 descendants of the "Schindler Jews", who are here because of the people he saved.  How many are there now? 

At the beginning of Lent, our pastor asked, "What if this was your last Lent?"  Of course, that question can be drilled down to, "What if this was your last day?"  The only time I think about that is when I have to run errands in our new terrible traffic, because it seems everyone wants to live here and driving anywhere has become dangerous.  I start all my trips with a prayer for safety and end with gratitude for making it home in one piece. 

Lent is essentially over, so the new question is: "What if this is your last Easter?" Let us all focus this Holy Week on the really important stuff, and it's certainly not what's being crammed into our heads 24/7 by the national propaganda machine. 

Do You Support the Current Thing?

Michael Matt has some thoughts about that.

I've become so low-tech that when our fancy programmable coffee machine  (about two years old) went belly up, I purchased an ultra low-tech Mr. Coffee for $21.00 at Wallyworld. It does exactly one thing; it turns on and off.  It does have a pause thingy on the basket. No more high-tech machine with a ton of buttons.  Couldn't be happier! Wallyworld has their own brand for about $12.00, but I thought the Mr. Coffee was cuter. 

And, of course, a kitteh:

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