Thursday, April 14, 2022

As we head into the sacred Triduum...

 starting this evening (Thursday)

This is an important time to pray.  And I'm going to suggest something and someone to pray for.

This morning on the Glenn Beck show, he had an expert on CRT and Race Marxism - James Lindsay, as a guest.  Glenn and his guest were comparing the radical leftists to cult members. Since Glenn is a Mormon and I'm a traditional Roman Catholic, both of which have been accused of being cults, I actually thought Glenn's call to show them kindness to break them free from their "cultish" thinking sort of amusing (in a whacked out sort of way.)

While both Beck and Lindsay are correct in saying that many of the left have made CRT, abortion, sexual perversions too numerous to list, and hating whitey into cults, they are both missing an important component of the madness. 

Calling out the left as a cult is a bit simplistic. The missing parts are thus:  lack of a real belief in the true God - Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, and a healthy dose of narcissistic personality disorder in many of the left.  Wait. Does that mean only lefties are narcissists?  Absolutely not. I know plenty of narcissists who claim to be conservatives. 

When we hear the term "narcissist", we always think of the loud mouthed braggart strutting his stuff.  But narcissists come in four different flavors.

(A cut and paste to save time - source)

Grandiose Narcissist
“I’m better than you, and I know it”

This is your classic arrogant and attention-seeking narcissist. They are entitled, preoccupied with success, and jealous of other people.

Often misusing or exploiting relationships for one’s own benefit, they will gaslight you to doubt your own feelings and intuitions.

They seem blatant about their self-centered behavior, need to be in the spotlight, and get uncomfortable when they’re not.
Malignant Narcissist
“I will do whatever it takes to get what I want.”

Contrary to the “grandiose narcissist”, these individuals don’t do anything for your benefit. They will lash out at, or attempt to destroy, other people in order to prop up his or her fragile sense of self.

While there is a difference between narcissists and psychopaths, this category of narcissists has a tendency to lean more towards psychopathy more so than any other type of narcissist.

They still do feel some degree of guilt and shame when breaking rules whereas a psychopath will not feel any.
Covert Narcissist
“I’m a great artist but the world never noticed my talent.”

This one can be trickier to spot than other types of narcissists because the person isn’t always obvious about their disorder. Suggested by the name, this type of narcissist is someone who has a hidden layer of narcissistic traits.

Deeply self-absorbed, these individuals feel chronically victimized, as though the world has failed to recognize their brilliance.

Often misdiagnosed as depression, their concealed confidence makes it difficult to recognize their narcissistic traits at first sight. They are passive-aggressive, hypersensitive to criticism, and truly believe that the world never got their greatness.
At first encounter, they may even seem like that friend who lacks confidence and needs a boost, but the key indicator of their narcissism is the arrogance along with their failure. They don’t take ownership of what they did wrong, and they always blame the world for them not succeeding.
Communal Narcissist
“Look at all the great things I’ve done for the world!”

First proposed in a 2012 research paper, this sub-type of narcissism refers to individuals who get their validation from community-related aspects of life, such as helpfulness, and philanthropy.

This is the person who has countless photos on their social media of them getting all dressed up and going to charity events and galas.

They are always showing off their great deeds for the world but have an instant need to talk about it. They seek a lot of validation for their “good work”.

They even seem to have a lack of empathy for the people they are trying to help and rather feel above them.

If we want to do a good deed, we do it quietly. We do it because we know it’s the right thing to do. But a communal narcissist does it for show. A narcissist only cares for their image in the eyes of the world, rather than how they make everyone else feel.

Can people be a combination of the four types and have other personality disorders at the same time?  Indeed they can, and that's where it may get tricky for the lay person to sort out.  

I'm intimately acquainted with all four types, and I'm sure you are too.  Everyone has a friend, family member, partner, boss, work mate, or a more casual acquaintance at church or a club you may attend who qualifies as a person with NPD. 

Is There a Rise in Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)?

You betcha!

It may be impossible to quantify the exact number of people who suffer with NPD since most of them do not get treatment, and so go undocumented.  But, it doesn't take a PhD in psychology to know that raising kids on social media will lead to an exponential rise in narcissism. We now have "adults" who spent their entire childhood in the swamp of social media where even their lunch became a matter for posting. Don't even get me started on "selfies", which I find to be super weird. I'm not talking about the occasional picture, but the incessant (compulsive?) need to post pictures of themselves, very often "sexy" pics by the young gals.

Concurrent with the rise of social media is the number of people who define themselves as "nones" meaning they are unaffiliated with an organized religion.  They're the people who call themselves "spiritual, but not religious", which is nothing more than word salad with no meaning.

Now put those two things together and you will witness the rise of the libtard, both the garden variety non-thinking everyday sort of person all the way to the malignant narcissist who fall into the category of being evil. This is why trying to discuss facts or reason with a libtard is so futile.

Can We Pray Them Out of Their Affliction?

Probably not. Most narcissists have a lack of awareness about their personality disorder and the chances of them changing hover around zero. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't pray for them.  In particular, pray for those closest to you who suffer with NPD.  And if you suffer from narcissistic abuse, pray for yourself to heal - and get help. 

Holy Thursday


A post of mine from 2011:
The Political Left and The Seven Deadly Sins of Narcissism... some excellent links to Dr. Sanity

Tomorrow is Good Friday
I will be back next week

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