Sunday, February 27, 2022

What I learned while on sabbatical...

 perfect discussion for the Sunday before Ash Wednesday.

The first object of my attention was my habits. I made a concentrated effort to reform some of my sloppy ways. That alone changes so much in our life.

I believed being online for many hours a day was harmful. Now I know it is. And so I've severely limited the sites I visit.  During the past few months I tended to all my duties associated with my state in life before even approaching my computer. I might add in most cases these tasks were written in my agenda the evening before - usually after spending a bit of time cogitating in my journal. 

I try to stick to the 3-3-3 method to prioritize and it's working like a charm.

  • Every quarter, you set three goals that you want to achieve in the three months ahead.
  • Each week, you define the three objectives that will have the most impact on your quarterly goals.
  • Every day, you choose the three tasks that will help you make the most progress toward your weekly objectives.
By doing this I've managed to fix the tiles on my kitchen floor, paint my bathroom, while learning how to tape and mud. I've used joint compound before, but have never taped. Piece of cake!  I have yet to have my new toilet installed and will miss my deadline for that, but not by much. 

All my garden seeds are ready for planting, and I'll start pruning trees next week (yay! - love to prune.)

I'm back at the gym after my silly surgery, continue to intermittent fast, aka time- restricted-eating, for my health,  As it happens, many medical people in the know have discovered time-restricted-eating helps protect you against the Wuflu and all sorts of other health problems.  Dr. Jason Fung is the master of explaining the science behind intermittent fasting in his two books - The Obesity Code*, and The Diabetes Code.*

The best resource for helping with habits is Atomic Habits*, by James Clear. I acquired this book back on January 10, 2019 and this past year (2021) it was, by all accounts, the largest selling book on Amazon. The hardbound is on sale right now and I highly recommend the paper version over Kindle. 


It happens I'm reading a novel set during the final year of WWII. The descriptions of the bombings are so similar to what is happening in Ukraine at the moment.  It's all very sad, and it reminds me how blessed we are in this country - at least so far. 

My good friend Lone Star Parson has a post on the spiritual and religious elements in play about what is going on. Not only do I believe Brandon will screw this up, I also know it. Sigh...

Believe nothing you read about Ukraine. The First Casualty of War Is the Truth – The Current Western Propaganda for Ukraine Is Epic in Scale. This is something I not only believe, but know.

Is the Wuflu finally dead?

Oh, hell noes.  First off, the elites have Ukraine as a distraction claiming inflation is all Russia's fault, and by extension, Trump's fault. The morons on the left are already bleating Russia, Russia, Russia, Trump, Trump, Trump. Yeah - whatever.

Gateway Pundit reported The Great Reset: National Vaccine Passport Rolled Out in 21 States and More Are Joining Including Red States. Do you really believe after seeing how the sheeple acquiesced and cowered in fear the monsters are just going to abandon such a great way to control?  It's time for you to know it's not going away, and make appropriate decisions based on that knowledge.  Unfortunately, Washington State will, no doubt, be one of the first in line to impose passports meaning we'll be kicking even more Washingtonians out of our way at our local Post Falls, Idaho Walmart and Super I.

Ash Wednesday

This coming Wednesday, most believing Christians will "celebrate" Ash Wednesday, starting off my favorite liturgical season.  Some of us will be lucky enough to have ashes smeared on our foreheads in the shape of a cross to signify  death and repentance. How's that for a smack upside the head?
The ashes come from a previous Palm Sunday. The palms are burned, the ashes collected, crushed, and mixed with a bit of holy oil.

The ashes are blessed by the priest during the Ash Wednesday Mass after the homily. People are invited to come forward, and the ashes are applied to each person’s forehead in the shape of a cross (we hope - sometimes it's more of a blob) as the minister says, “Remember that you are dust, and unto dust you shall return.”

The rest of the day, we'll be assailed by helpful people telling us we have dirt on our forehead.  NB: It's really not too Christian to reply, "WTHell, you pagan heathen. Don't you know it's Ash Wednesday?" Please just smile all holy and sphinx like, nod, and say, "Thank you."

* affiliate link

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