Monday, January 25, 2021

Michael Matt agrees with me...

 and many other people.

I've been logjammed with information overload and unable to sort it out. My "One Tab" has 256 saved tabs piled up. Yep - I know it's a Google extension, but for right now it works for me, since the visual clutter of a gazillion open tabs drives me bonkers.

It seems my recent computer probs have resolved themselves, so the original cause of the problem is suspect.  Then my email, supplied through Utah-based Visionary, went bonkers and took a few days for them to sort out. It was them not us.  You may want to print a copy of all your email contacts in case of emergency.  I also keep all my passwords in a small notebook (in code), in case I have to access accounts at the corner coffee shop on my brand new cute little laptop.  

I have opened a new email account at Proton (the $4.00 per month one), and have that up and running.  If you need to contact me it's:  So far, I'm very pleased with the service; you may want to think like a "proton" by staying positive 😏

Xiden is screwing up the economy at warp speed, so you might want to make plans accordingly.

Nothing has changed in my thinking since my post last Thursday, It's Up to UsMore and more people I respect are echoing my thoughts.  If you're waiting for a super hero to do our work for us, you've got a very long wait ahead of you.

Trump opened our eyes to the rot, which was beyond what most of us could have even imagined. Trump did his part by forcing the real enemy out of the closet. Now it's time for us to do our part.

Michael Matt says it beautifully - and we thank him. 

Your scripture reference for today is 1John 4:1-6

From the Remnant Newspaper:

For our part, we look at Trump’s four years as a major victory for the Children of Light. We are stronger than we ever were in the past. We are more united now than ever before. The globalists are exposed. The Left has radicalized themselves out of sheer hatred for Donald Trump, and the mask of legitimacy has ripped off even the Vatican itself, thanks to Trump. 

All this constitutes a defeat for the Children of Light? Please! Is the best yet to come? Michael Matt argues that, yes, most assuredly, it is. We have not yet begun to fight.

Revisit Leo Hohmann's excellent advice for moving forward in Obey or Resist:Which Will You Choose?