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LindaG and her husband are both retired US Air Force and were restoring a charming 150 year old farm house in Louisiana when disaster struck. Due to the age of the home, they were unable to secure insurance, and now the house is a total loss.
I've set up a GoFundMe page and any amount will be a huge help.
What else can you do to help?
If you have a blog share this post or a link to Linda's GoFundMe page
Same with Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. The more people who see this the better - and we thank you!
Linda said:
Want to know how I know God is real; how wonderful He is and how He watched over us Wednesday night? Our son was in his room at his computer. He got up to get a drink. Just moments before he had been sitting where all those chimney bricks are now. And the ceiling and roof. We were blessed that night.God answers prayer. We were blessed that night.