This country is being decimated by the MSM fomenting panic and spreading lies.
Yesterday I made a quick run to Ace Hardware for sanding sealer. They didn't have want I needed so I made the trek to Lowe's in Coeur d'Alene. Yeah - I know it's only about 10 minutes away, but us small town peeps think anything over 5 minutes is a long way.
It was like being a part of some schmaltzy dystopian movie having to witness crabby looking people slithering around with rags tied on their faces. I make it a point to say hello and smile at anyone not wearing a mask. Those are the only people acting somewhat normal.
What has made these people so fearful? Because in the five counties of North Idaho we have a staggering number of Wuflue cases. How staggering? How about 56 and zero deaths. That's right my precious pineapples - 56 total Wuflu cases with over 28 of those not even being monitored anymore.
And then, and then - after doing my weekly schedule this morning, which included burning yard waste, I discovered that burning is banned due to Wuflu being a respiratory illness and smoke is just so dang irritating. WTHell? I live on 5 acres and never make smoke when I burn. Fine. I'll call my very cute trash hauler and have it all hauled away - that is if the dump is still open.

Anyone who still doesn't understand that this is a battle between good and evil needs to do a bit of soul searching.
If you haven't watched Out of Shadows put it on your to-do list for this week and pass it on to family and friends
Having trouble coping? I think we're all having a bit of trouble. Head over to Quo Vadis and read Time management Monday: Morning and evening brain dumps. I have routine brain dumps and every morning I journal, review my goals, schedule my day, and pray. When I don't do this my life falls apart.
The Night Wind: WEEK 7 OF THE 'CRISIS' SOME VICTORIES WON The good and the bad
Scott Morefield at TownHall: Leftists Don’t Want The Shutdown To End Because They Are Living Out Their Wildest Dreams Their dream will soon turn into a nightmare.
Bunkerville: Michelle Obama, Laura Bush join to support WHO to raise funds after Trump stops funds Shame on Laura!
How about a Monday kitteh?