Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Project Veritas part 3: More from the lunatic fringe communists working to elect Bernie Sanders...

I didn't think they could find anyone crazier than the creature in the first two undercover videos from Project Veritas.  I was wrong.

Pay careful attention to what this soy-boy man bun wearing creep says at around 9:50 while also claiming that Sanders is flooding his offices with people just like him.

Emphasis mine!
...people like you and me that four years ago, we're like "this is impossible." Now, we're like, "Oh sh*t. I'm even saying with my level of radical, if this is where we are now. If this is where we came from fours years ago to now, where there are openly socialist people leading in the polls - it would never happen.  What's gonna be four years from now? 

So if you think that supporting any of this amoral democrats is a good thing, you need to reexamine your priorities.

I never, ever thought I would see, just as soy said, people running to be the president of the most free nation on earth openly declaring themselves socialists.  Socialism is just another name for communism.

So if you're one of the trolls who hangs around here (I know who you are) - give it your best shot and tell me why communism is so great.