Thursday, January 23, 2020

Impeachment Fiasco: The Senate exists for moments like this...

is there anyone even paying attention to this clown show?

If you're a commie/libtard you need to ask yourself why the democrats are not doing their job.  You know - the business of the people. 

Wake the hell up!

 They don't care about you. They don't care about this country. They don't care about the veterans or the homeless. They don't care about the illegal aliens flooding across the border costing this country billions upon billions of dollars every year. They don't care about out of control crime, falling down bridges, or potholes in the roads. They don't care about the opioid crisis with tons of illegal drugs flooding across the border from Mexico.

 They only care about one thing and that's lining their pockets with pork from you - the taxpayer.  And they can't do that if Donald Trump is president.