Monday, April 23, 2018

Let's all move on...

to more important things.

I wonder what has happened to us all when we awake on Monday morning to face the day with no real earth shattering news and it bums us out.  A normal person would be pleased, but a blogger's first thought is, "Darn - what the hell am I going to write about?"

Oh, sure - we have some naked crazy running around Nashville shooting people, but if it wasn't for the media no one would know or really care.

Do you realize that in Chicago 19 people have been shot and killed this month and 111 so far this year?  Last week alone (4/15 - 4/21) they managed to downsize the population by 9.  The total for shooting victims this year is an astounding 668. source

The lying creeps in the news media will tell you only what fits the agenda they're pushing and not one other piece of information.

A New Royal for the UK

Duchess of Cambridge gives birth to a baby boy weighing in at 8 lbs, 7 oz.

Congratulations, Kate and William.

Buh Bye Weight Watchers.

A few months ago I joined Weight Watchers.  A few days ago, having now changed many things about my eating habits/life style, dropping about 25 lbs, and being unable to attend very many meetings, I decided it was time to move on. 

I like the food tracking feature on the WW website and did a quick search for an alternative that would not cost me anything.

What I found very quickly was My Fitness Pal.  Outstanding!  WW tracks their own system of points, but tracks calories, carbs, fat, protein, sodium, and sugar for each food eaten and broken down by breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks.

Which bring me to:

Two Ingredient Pancakes


Tried them yesterday.  They were outstanding.

I followed the basic instructions, but next time I'm going to add a smidge of baking powder and almond flour.

Here's how it comes up on Myfitnesstracker for approximately 4 smallish pancakes.

Calories215Sodium0 mg
Total Fat5 gPotassium0 mg
Saturated2 gTotal Carbs30 g
Polyunsaturated2 gDietary Fiber0 g
Monounsaturated3 gSugars0 g
Trans0 gProtein18 g
Cholesterol0 mg

I wouldn't suggest eating these daily if you're trying to keep your carbs in check, but certainly once a week wouldn't hurt.

Moving On

I have laundry to do, an acre or so to mow, more trees to prune, plants to re-pot, books to read, and art to be created.  

I'm sure you have bunches of stuff to do too.

Have a wonderful Monday.

Amazon Today

All sorts of great things in Grocery

I've had to start ordering my Ole Wraps from Amazon since they are always out of stock at Walmart.  They cost a bit more, but it's worth it to me.

Ole Xtreme Wellness High Fiber Low Carb Wraps, 8ct Packs - 6 Pack Case