Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Shrove Tuesday...

otherwise known as Mardi Gras, Paczki Day, Pancake Day, and just plain Tuesday for pagans.

The Poles are eating Paczki, the Italians are imbibing in pancakes, and the Mardi Gras peeps are drinking up all the available liquor to ensure it doesn't go bad during the 40 days of Lent.

As for me and my home, we're having king crab legs, filet of beef, asparagus, and stuffed bacon wrapped jalapenos.  

The jalapenos are something I usually have on Easter Sunday after the Lenten fasts, but I decided that before and after was okay.  There's no such thing as too many stuffed jalapenos.

Some Crab Leg and Asparagus Hints

My top and really only hint for crab legs is to take a box knife and slit the softer white underside of the leg (leaving the shell on.)  No more struggling with a nut cracker and getting your hands stabbed with little crab spikes.  

Asparagus?  Any asparagus over the size of a small straw needs to be peeled.  Use a vegi peeler and apply almost zero pressure.  All you're trying to accomplish is to remove the tough outer skin.  

My favorite way to cook asparagus is by roasting.  When I don't roast, I wrap it in wet paper towels and give it about 2 - 3 minutes in the microwave depending on the thickness of the stalk.  Simple and easy.

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