Only the crazy family that starved and imprisoned their gazillion kids is managing to push it out of the headlines.
I have mega errands to run.
But first: A libtard bellwether on Facecrap, who is a fan of both Castro and Che, is on a trip to Cuba. The libtard is leaving today. Her picture title? Adios Utopia! Good bye🇨🇺 Cuba!
Definition of Utopia: An imagined place or state of things in which everything is perfect.
And there are still people who don't recognize liberalism as a mental disorder. Oy vey!
While I'm gone, go read some much more interesting stuff from my friends on the webz:
Bunkerville: Obama, Graham and Trump all thought the world was in a shit storm
Don Surber: S***hole liberalism (remember Melinda Byerley?)
Nox and Freinds: ACLJ – Planned Parenthood 2016-2017 Annual Report Released (staggering statistics)
Breitbart: Facebook Reminds Publishers: ‘We’re In Charge’ (people actually depend on Facecrap to deliver their news? Good grief!)
Political Clown Parade: Jeff Flake Proclaims The Second Coming Of Comrade Stalin
Today's Amazon Deals in Furniture
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