Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Trump's travel ban and tax plan...

according to the libtards the world is coming to an end.

No it's not, and I'm not buying into the hysteria and hyperbole.  How many times can you predict the end of the world before people stop paying attention?  I've think the left has reached the point of nonsense fatigue.

A quick peek at the comments on Huff and Puff (no link on purpose) is all one needs to see how cray-cray the left really is.
New Chairs

I have better things to do - like assemble my two new dining room chairs, fluff up my outside Christmas wreath with a few new doo-dads, and go to the grocery store for much needed veggies.

Weight Watchers this week:

Down another 2.4 lbs for a total of 14 lbs lost.

WW has changed their program slightly allowing certain foods like eggs, fish, beans, and white chicken meat to log in at zero points.  Almost all veggies are already zero points.  It really is more in line with Primal eating and a good move.  It's pretty much what I've been doing anyway.

While my points have been lowered to 23 from 30, I'm still having trouble using them all each day. 

Which brings me to Trump's eating habits.  Melania needs to clamp down on his Big Macs and Fish Fillet sandwiches.  Donald is getting a bit fluffy and we need him healthy for the next seven years. 

Roy Moore

One week until the special election.  I predict Roy Moore will win.

Supreme Court to announce verdict in the Masterpiece Bakery cake baking case today?

It's a clear case (IMO) of some very hateful people trying to force someone else to do something they don't want to do.  Homosexuals have plenty of places to buy their cakes for their fake "marriage" ceremony.  It's as simple as that.  American Thinker has a good article on what's really going on and WND weighs in with CHRISTIAN BAKER: SUPREME COURT FIGHT NOT ABOUT CAKE

And now for something of utmost importance to everyone in our fair country:

Resisting the surveillance state

Day 4 of 12 Days of Deals on Amazon


Some very fine looking shoes:

45% off Fine Leather Shoes for Men

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