Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Trump supporters are happy people...

filthy loser commie libtard protesters - not so much.

The contrast is striking.

Right Side Broadcasting started their live feed from Trump's Phoenix rally yesterday many hours before the start of the event.  They wandered about and interviewed Trump supporters who were waiting in line to enter the arena.  Some of these people had been there since early in the morning.  By afternoon the temperature was about 107° and yet they all remained cheerful.  Everyone was decently dressed, chatting with each other, and happy at the prospect of hearing Trump speak.

NB: I posted his entire speech in Phoenix at the end of the post.  He was on fire for 1:18 minutes, so grab a cup of coffee or save watching it until cocktail hour.  Either way, it's an energizer. 

When Ben Carson entered the arena the crowd erupted in cheers and applause.  Ditto for Alveda King, niece of Martin Luther King, Jr., who prayed:

Franklin Graham also prays:

Look at that - an arena full of people with their heads bowed praying for peace and safety for all people.

While the Trump peeps were inside having a great and happy time, agitators, many of whom were probably paid, were gathering outside to cause mayhem and harm to Trump supporters when they left the arena.

They were an ugly screaming mob of angry hateful people who appeared in many cases to be possessed by an evil spirit.

Check out the face of  the "kindness is everything" woman.  Charming!

Now check out the happy normal looking people who support Trump:

Trump Rally Day Pizza

Take a frozen cheese pizza - I used Costco Kirkland Signature, but any good frozen cheese pizza will work.

Spread a layer of cream cheese on top of frozen pizza.

Next add a layer of partially cooked frozen hash brown potatoes, chopped cooked bacon, and chopped green onions.  Sprinkle with seasoning of choice - onion, garlic, or Italian mix.  I added capers for a bit of salty umami, but anchovies would be good too.

Pop in oven for recommended time.

Five minutes before it's finished add more cheese of your choice to the top.  Let it rest for five minutes before slicing.

Voila. "Baked Potato Pizza."

And that, my dear friends, is why Trump people are happy people. 


Zilla of the United States of America:   #TrumpDay – I forgot to give this post a title edition   (Zilla also has a link to Pistol Pete who does a bang up job of covering the rally - and we thank him)

Amazon Deals of the Day

Have you seen this?

WORX Aerocart Multifunction 2-Wheeled Yard Cart, Dolly, and Wheelbarrow with Flat Free Tires – WG050

I need one.