Thursday, May 11, 2017

Newt Gingrich: Next the liberals will blame the Martians and HuffPost goes completely crackers...

"You're dealing with desperation on the left."

And nothing points more to this desperation than this screed I stumbled upon at the Huffington Post by Michelangelo Signorile, the editor-at-large of Queer Voices, To Save America We Must Stop Being Polite And Immediately Start Raising Hell.

You could almost stop reading at that over wrought title because I can't recall a gaggle of libtards ever being polite and they're forever raising hell.

Signorile (why's a nice Italian boy having sex with other boys??) is famous for liking to "out" other homosexuals and his activism over AIDS.
 This is how he plans to save America:
 It's time to move beyond polite protests within specified boundaries. It’s time to escalate the expression of our outrage and our anger in a massive way. 
Starting today and from here on, no elected official ― certainly those in the GOP defending and supporting Trump on a variety of issues, for example ― should be able to sit down for a nice, quiet lunch or dinner in a Washington, DC eatery or even in their own homes. They should be hounded by protestors everywhere, especially in public ― in restaurants, in shopping centers, in their districts, and yes, on the public property outside their homes and apartments, in Washington and back in their home states. White House officials too ― those enabling the authoritarian ― need to be challenged everywhere, as do all those at the conservative think tanks who support Trump and those who publicly defend him in their columns and on television.
The elected officials and White House staffers must be challenged going to and from their cars and at the many public speeches they give at organizations and think tanks throughout DC and elsewhere. They should be bombarded with questions and placards by groups of people as they head to media appearances at the cable networks where they spew their lies every day. And they should be challenged when they come off TV for what they just lied about.
These people also attend functions and fundraisers at night (which are easy to locate), and these events should be disrupted, inside and out, until these politicians answer to the recklessness in which they are engaged. Paul Ryan, the House Speaker, should not be able to attend any function, eat in public, or enjoy dinner at home without hearing people expressing how his actions are harming their lives and their families’ lives in terrible ways. 
There's much more and if you have some time to waste you can read the rest.

This is not normal behavior.  This is the behavior of a psychotic who has had a break from reality.

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