Allow me to save the anti-Trump trolls some time and trouble:
At 7:33 in, Trump mentions the founding fathers. Yes, indeedy. OMGosh, he just mentioned George Washington and Alexander Hamilton - by name. Now he's talking about Abraham Lincoln. What the hell has gotten into him?
Holy crapola, I'm at 9:12 and he's talking about the Constitution. You heard that right, boys and girls - the Constitution.
Meantime, Michelle Obama, her daughters, and her mother are swanning around Morocco, on our dime, to support all the poor little Moroccan girls getting an education.
While she's there, maybe she could hop, skip, and jump over to Istanbul, where the religion of peace just blew up over a hundred people.The Millennium Challenge Corporation, a U.S. government foreign aid agency working in partnership with the Moroccan government, is investing nearly $100 million to transform secondary education in the country. USAID is also giving $400,000 to create five new girls' dormitories to improve educational opportunities for girls from rural areas.