I have a very bad habit of storing stuff in tabs. It makes me a bit crazy to see all those open tabs.
It seems a reformed Mommy blogger has quit and posted a rather epic rant. She could have done more good if she'd refrained from flinging about the "F" word, but such is the internet now. I used to frequent Mommy blogs that focused on decor and such. I don't anymore, for many of the reasons Josie Denise, the Mommy blogger of the rant, outlined.
I started to lose patience when all the decor sites started to call a bunch of crap sitting on a table a "vignette." Huh? Admittedly, the crap was well arranged, which will stand you in good stead if you wish to be a designer in a furniture store. But, good grief - your home?

This stuff is all being fueled by Pinterest, Facebook, and Instagram. I signed up for Pinterest, posted a couple of pics and promptly lost interest. I've never even explored Instagram, and I don't update anything on Facebook. I don't have a smart phone. Who the hell wants to have a phone that's smarter than they are? Not this gal.
This is just my opinion, but I think we're losing our humanity to the tech world. We've become zombies walking around staring at a little plastic thing in our hand. It's weird. I know of few people who need to be that "connected."
I have a couple of trees to plant. See you all later.
Sultan Knish: The Trouble With Facebook
Liberty's Torch: The Not So Hidden Persuaders
Daily Sheeple: How to Wake People Up Without Being an A-hole
Ace of Spades: Quitting Time: It's Time to Start Destroying Our Rotten Progressive-Dominated Institutions By General Strikes and Ruthless Abandonment
Michael Snyder: Cell Phone Addiction: 15 Numbers That Show The Ridiculous Obsession Americans Have With Their Phones