Friday, February 6, 2015

Are you swallowing the lies about the economy...

or being distracted by the latest shiny objects; vaccines and Brian Williams?

We have a lot more important things to worry about than whether some kid has been vaccinated, or Brian Williams told a lie.  The talking heads are always telling lies, so why the outrage?

This morning on Yahoo, there were two articles side by side. I'm only linking to them as a way to keep track of them, and not suggesting you head over and read them.  Once they leave the Yahoo front page, it's very hard to find them again.  One was; This is how Barack Obama wants to be the left’s Ronald Reagan , and it's full of the most egregious crap I've come across in eons.  To sum it up, we're doing better than ever and we, more or less, have Obama to thank.  It touts the "official" government figures, which we all know is a load of cow poo.  The article has gathered up over 10K comments and 99.99% of them are bad.

The one next to it was; US gains 257K jobs, unemployment rate ticks up to 5.7 pct - more egregious crap.  Once again, the comments are scathing.

Meanwhile, this is what President Ribbon Cutter is doing today - on our dime!

Obama Schedule || Friday, February 6, 2015

10:00 am || Receives the Presidential Daily Briefing
11:35 am || Departs the White House
1:30 pm || Arrives Indianapolis, Indiana
2:15 pm || Delivers remarks and takes questions from students and faculty; Ivy Tech Community College, Indianapolis
5:05 pm || Departs Indianapolis, Indiana
6:45 pm || Arrives White House
All times Eastern

While German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President François Hollande fly to Moscow for an emergency meeting with Vladimir Putin over the deteriorating situation in eastern Ukraine, President Ribbon Cutter is flying to Indiana to deliver remarks to a bunch of kids taking remedial English and math.  Is it any wonder the world is laughing at us?  

The following videos are excellent and well worth your time.  Forget about Brian Williams and do something to protect yourself.  Yes, I know they're long, but listen to them anyway.

From X22 (this is their YouTube channel. It has links to the web page)
The Survivalist Blog, whose link and resource page is a cornucopia of great info.


Gallup: The Big Lie: 5.6% Unemployment

SHTF:  Crisis Looms? Global Debt has Swelled By a Massive $57 TRILLION Since 2007: “The figures are as remarkable as they are terrifying”

The Sleuth Journal:  Barack Obama Says That What America Really Needs Is Lots More Debt

Bunkerville:   Obama’s meeting with those Muslims, and what he wanted

Survival Mom: Tight Space Prepping: Make The Most Of The Storage Space You Have

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