Each Friday (or Saturday in this case) we are asking our readers to sacrifice one latte to send $10.00 to help us take back our country - vote by vote.
WyBlog and Proof are on the bandwagon for Thom Tillis in NC and so am I.
You can contribute to Thom Tillis here.
Political Clown Parade offers up not only a great post for Ten Buck Friday (really - where does she get the time to do everything she does??), but gave us a list of people who need our help.
With six weeks to go, the fight for control of the Senate is down to five states, four of them currently held by Democrats.This election cycle is vital from the standpoint of not only regaining control of the Senate but also to have an impact on The World’s Most Dangerous Community Organizer’s ability to appoint (and have confirmed by the Senate) judges to the federal bench and the Supreme Court. read the rest
Contribute to Bill Cassidy here.
Contribute to Tom Cotton here.
Contribute to Joni Ernst here.
Contribute to Cory Gardner here.
Contribute to Thom Tillis here.
Mark your contribution Ten Buck Friday so the candidates know conservative bloggers are on their side.
Look at this wonderful graphic Political Clown Parade made:
Visit all our Ten Buck Friday participants:
Adrienne’s Corner
Diogenes’ Middle Finger
Fishersville Mike
Laughing Conservative
Left Coast Rebel
Mind Numbed Robot
Political Clown Parade
Proof Positive
Texas Conservative News
Theo Spark