WASHINGTON — Democrats in Congress said Tuesday that they had developed legislation to override the Supreme Court decision on contraceptives. The bill would ensure that women had access to insurance coverage for birth control even if they worked for businesses that had religious objections.The bill, put together in consultation with the Obama administration, would require for-profit corporations like Hobby Lobby Stores to provide and pay for contraceptive coverage, along with other preventive health services, under the Affordable Care Act. read the rest
This bill even has a name: The ‘Protect Women’s Health From Corporate Interference Act of 2014’ (S. 2578)
I don't have much faith in the future of this country if this is on the top of the list for our legislative body.
In addition, the ignorant voters who actually believe women are being denied health care is staggering in its stupidity.
I never thought I'd see the day when grown people would be hopping around DC exclaiming the falsehood that somehow corporations were denying health care to women.
These poor oppressed women have been buying their own birth control for over fifty years.
No one is denying them anything.
In fact, Hobby Lobby is providing 16 different birth control pills to its employees. They draw the line at providing abortaficients.
It was never an issue until George Stephanopoulos brought it up at one of the presidential debates.
The sheeple on the left quickly bought into the phony "war on women."
The only war we should be having is against stupid people.
Even the USCCB is getting into it:
Cardinal O’Malley, Archbishop Lori to Senate: Oppose Bill that Attacks Religious Freedom
July 14, 2014WASHINGTON—In a letter sent July 14 to all U.S. Senators, Cardinal Seán O’Malley of Boston and Archbishop William E. Lori of Baltimore stated their “strong opposition to the misnamed ‘Protect Women’s Health From Corporate Interference Act of 2014’ (S. 2578).” Cardinal O’Malley and Archbishop Lori chair the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’s Committee on Pro-Life Activities and Ad Hoc Committee for Religious Liberty, respectively.
“Though cast as a response to the Supreme Court’s narrow decision in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby, the bill ranges far beyond that decision, potentially attacking all existing federal protections of conscience and religious freedom regarding health coverage mandates,” they wrote.
The two bishops identified several areas of concern with the bill, including its unprecedented curtailment of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993; its potential for overriding other federal conscience protections, including the Hyde-Weldon amendment on abortion; its application to coverage mandates beyond the HHS contraceptive mandate; its application to employers beyond for-profit businesses; and its denial of religious freedom for employees and their minor dependents, not just employers.
“In short, the bill does not befit a nation committed to religious liberty. Indeed, if it were to pass, it would call that commitment into question. Nor does it show a genuine commitment to expanded health coverage, as it would pressure many Americans of faith to stop providing or purchasing health coverage altogether. We oppose the bill and urge you to reject it,” they wrote.
Full text of the letter is available online: www.usccb.org/issues-and-action/religious-liberty/upload/07-14-14-S-2578-Cardinal-O-Malley-Archbishop-Lori-to-Senate.pdf
Well, bishops, perhaps you should have thought of all this before you jumped on the Obamacare bandwagon. Isn't there an old saying about sleeping with dogs?
I have news for you. Obama and his puppet masters don't care what you think.