Maggie's Notebook: Judge Napolitano: House ObamaCare Repeal Has Real Teeth – Unconstitutional Health Exchanges
Fuzzy Logic: Open Letter to President Obama: This Nation Simply Doesn’t Deserve You
Nice Deb: The Emperor-in-Chief Does it Again: Guts Welfare Reform – Romney Decries “Completely Misdirected.” Move
Lynn's Little Nest: BO can’t tell a “good story”
MOTUS: The Grimm Barry Tales
McNorman: Has This Guy Lost His Marbles Or What?
Lonely Conservative: The DISCLOSE Act Isn’t Dead Yet
republican Mother: I Won't Crack - Will You?
Zilla: RadioZilla – Updated – Audio Recording of the Show Now Available!
(listen to Zilla on the DaTechGuy's radio show)
Always On Watch: Obama Tax Increase
And So It Goes In Shreveport: A New Underground Railroad
Pundette: Obama, Term 2: Even more inspiring!
Backyard Conservative: Next O Campaign Venue: Spanky's Clubhouse
Bread Upon the Waters: The New Party's Offspring Political Party -- Alive and Well
Michelle Malkin: Obama’s Interior Department still going rogue
Did you know that Red, over at Caught Him With a Corndog is back?? Well, she is...
Whew! That's a bunch of feminine fire power!