Saturday, March 24, 2012

Hey - I heard a rumor that 10's of thousands of people all over the country rallied against the HHS mandate yesterday...

surely it can't be true because NONE of the major media outlets said anything about it. 

Instead they were busy telling everyone what race-baiter extraordinaire Jesse Jackson and his race-baiting partner Obama had to say about the murder of a black man in Florida that happened four weeks ago.

Breitbart said it the loudest - the media is the enemy.  

American Thinker:   Nationwide anti-Obama rallies ignored by the media (again)

Randy's Roundtable:   The Race War

Pat Archbold:   My Son Doesn't Look Anything Like Trayvon

Ann Barnhardt's speech at the Denver rally:
Good afternoon. My name is Ann Barnhardt and I am the person who says the things that everyone else is too terrified, and too attached to earthly riches and power, to say.
Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s, and render unto the Lord that which is the Lord’s.
There seems to be some confusion as to what Caesar, in the form today of Caesar Tyrannus Obama, is owed, so please permit me to clear up any confusion on the matter once and for all.
Caesar Tyrannus Obama is NOT OWED the broken bodies, decapitated heads and spilled blood of our pre-born children, even though he now demands that he be worshiped with such slaughter, and that we pay for it in a tribute attached to our now-mandatory health insurance policies and enforced by his tax collectors, or lose our earthly liberty.
Caesar Tyrannus Obama is NOT OWED our fertility and ability to transmit and propagate human life itself, even though he demands that WE PAY for foolish young women to offer up their bodies to him, both in the forms of temporary chemical sterilization OR permanent surgical sterilization.
Caesar Tyrannus Obama is NOT OWED our humanity, as he demands that we allow ourselves to be reduced to nothing more than economic units, upon which cost-benefit analyses will be calculated so that Caesar Tyrannus Obama may decide who lives and who dies, that he may rape the still-productive living and intoxicate himself on the blood of the unfit and economically burdensome dead.
Caesar Tyrannus Obama is NOT OWED our souls, as he demands that we publically renounce our Crucified Savior and enter into mortal sin by cooperating with his satanic regime. Caesar Tyrannus Obama demands that either we join him, with his master, in hell for all eternity, or we will lose our earthly possessions, our liberty, and eventually perhaps even our lives.
With all of the Christian Charity I can muster, I say this to Caesar Tyrannus Obama:
Go to hell.
Antichrists like you are owed nothing but the scathing contempt of decent human beings.
I will never comply.

I will never submit.
I will never renounce Christ.
I will never betray my Savior.
Confiscate my estate. Throw me in prison. Hang me at noon on the town square. I am not afraid, and frankly, I’d consider it an honor.
I cannot be intimidated and I cannot be coerced to violate my conscience, because I fight under the Banner of Christ.
And because I fight under the Banner of Jesus Christ, I FEAR NO MAN.
I will render unto God that which is God’s, which is everything I have and everything I am.
I can think of no greater honor than to climb up on the Cross and be crucified with Jesus at the hands of Caesar.
For what little my wretched life is worth, may the Lord accept my sacrifice at Caesar’s hands, for the praise and glory of His Name and the good of all His Church.
HAIL Christ the King!
Viva Cristo Rey!