Monday, November 14, 2011

Why the "mainstream" media matters...

sad to say.

Like Maggie, who hangs out over at her Notebook, I never watch SNL, David Letterman, or the likes of the vile Bill Maher.  About once a week, I take a trip over to the HuffPo in order to see what the enemy is  spinning.  I do, however, always drop a trail of corn kernels to ensure my safe return.  And no matter the source of news I receive, my motto remains, "trust but verify."  If it's a subject I am not conversant in, I read the "experts" on both sides and make up my own mind guided by the teachings of the Catholic Church. 

It's important to remember that we have many people in this country who do listen to this drivel and treat it as truth.  Of course, that would be their truth and not our truth, never mind that truth is an absolute and not open to a "theirs and mine."

Take, for example, a fertilized human egg.  Either it's a human being or it's not.  But those that love a "woman's right to choose", will insist it's a "just a bunch of cells." Could it be an otter or a poodle?  I don't think so.  Science is settled on this issue and it informs us that little bunch of cells is a human being, but that makes no difference to proponents of abortion.  To them it's not a human and, dad gum it, that's their truth and they're sticking to it. 

So what happens when someone is fed a constant stream of information that's not true?  If they don't have the intellectual curiosity to investigate, it will eventually become their version of the truth and, in my experience, they will defend it to the death.  My husband always says that liberals are people who have "not thought it through."  

 Take a few moments to read Maggie's great article:

Saturday Night Live Pop Culture: Why it Matters to Republicans

It gives all something to think about.