Monday, November 14, 2011

The war on God continues...

 because we all know how dangerous and subversive reading the Bible can be.

Anyone want to bet on who'll win this war?  I didn't think so...

  Beck Surprises Women’s Shelter With $55,000 After It’s Denied Fed Funds Over Bible Studies
 After reading the Blaze’s report about Liza’s Place and Hope Home, two women’s shelters in Colorado that have lost federal funding because of mandatory Bible studies, Glenn Beck decided to take action.

While speaking on-air with Marilyn Vyzourek, the founder and executive director of the faith-based shelters, he generously donated $55,000 to replace the lost, government monies. read the rest

Want to help? Make a donation to Liza's Place and Hope Home  today so they can continue to study the Bible or to your local faith-based women's shelter or foster care program.