Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The obligatory "who won the debate" post...

not sure who won, but I sure know who lost.  We did.

I really have no idea of what exactly that cat fight called a "debate" was about.  Far too many people on our side saw the sniping and snarling as a good thing.  I see it as a waste of time.  First they piled on Cain's 9-9-9 plan and clearly did not understand how the plan works.  Then it was Santorum attacking Mittens on RomneyCare leading into Perry taking pot shots at him on immigration.

Gingrich, clearly the smartest guy on the stage (next to Mr. Cain), is phoning in his campaign.  Michele Bachmann, obviously a lovely and intelligent lady, needs to quit flapping her fake nails with the overdone French manicure around - it's a distraction from her message.

Ron Paul has released his Restore America Plan.  It's good and deserving of study.  And Mr. Cain has the particulars of 9-9-9 on his website.  Also worthy of study.   Perry?  I've come to believe that Perry was pushed into the race in order to bolster Romney, who it appears is the choice of the political elites in the GOP. 

Why are we the ultimate losers?  Because we learned nothing last night except which potential candidate has the ability to act like an adult.  And so did the dems who will use that information in the future to demonize the candidates.

Let's face some facts here - brutal though they may be. Most people don't give a rats rear patoot about all this political stuff.  They're either too busy earning a living and raising a family or too mired in intellectual complacency to find out on their own what is true. Unfortunately, these people can vote.

On another note and completely off topic:

It was interesting to see Wayne Newton at the debates.  My husband and I were married over 33 year's ago in LasVegas and attended his show that evening.  Without a doubt, that man is the hardest working entertainer in Vegas and has every right to hold the title of "Mr. LasVegas."   When he saw the flowers I had with me (we were sitting directly on the edge of the stage thanks to the $20.00 bucks slipped to the maitre d'), he asked if we had just gotten married.  When he learned we had indeed just been married, he ordered enough champagne to our table to share with several folks sitting around us. He also dedicated the entire show to us, and presented us with a complete tape of the entire show.  Nice touch from a nice man!   

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