Monday, October 31, 2011

All this occupy stuff is making me tired...

how about you?

These loons are getting way more attention than they deserve.  Waaaaaaay more! 

Mark America is getting tired of them:   Occu-Pests Vote to “Liberate Oakland”

Meantime, I heard a rumor that the powers that be are after Herman Cain for some sort of sexual transgression.  That didn't take long.  That news is making me tired, too.  Seems some women were "upset and offended" by something or another Mr. Cain said or did - or something.  So what!  Most women today are upset and offended by just about everything.   Robert Stacy McCain thinks it's a load of crap. 

Reaganite Republican reports that Ann Coulter also thinks it's a load of crap. 


about a gazillion people are talking about it over at Memeorandum They're probably getting tired, too.

Didn't we have a recent president that befouled the Oval Office with his sexual exploits?  A stained blue dress and a cigar come to mind. 

Over at American Thinker we can read up on how we're Slouching toward the 1930s.  Maybe the author is slouching because he's tired.  When it comes to the economy, I don't think we're "slouching" so much as rolling full tilt down a very steep hill.  But, that's just me and it's making me tired, too.

Will Profit, over at Capitalist Preservation, astounds with a bit of wonderful logic.  

Seems like the green "industry" is getting tired:   A Tale of Two (More) Bankruptcies

The Washington Times is getting real tired of the the bitter first woman:    The very angry first lady Michelle Obama

[...]Now, she is ready to spew her bilious disgust with America on the campaign trail. A dignified, transcendent first lady? No chance. Michelle is going to break with a hundred years of tradition and play the role of attack dog, heaping derision on her husband’s political opponents like no other first lady before her. do read the rest
Watching people walking around (or worse driving) with cell phones jammed up to their ears, or looking down with thumbs pushing little buttons makes me so tired I could almost throw my body to the floor and go into an immediate comma.  What the hell!  Don't people even talk to each other anymore?  Now I find out Twitter, otherwise known as "how to sound stupid in 140 characters or less", is going to help decide the presidential election?  Holy crap! 

What Role Is Twitter Playing in the 2012 Presidential Campaign?

If you're not too tired, you may want to read this:   President Robespierre

I'm going to go plant another 50 tulip bulbs and divide some iris - unless I fall asleep first.  

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