Thursday, September 29, 2011

It's Thursday...

Ok, ok - I know that's stating the obvious, but it's all I can come up with while I'm still fresh from my pillow.

Some good stuff out there today:

J.R. Dunn over at American Thinker takes a hard look at Obama's numbers:   Obama's Numbers
Silverfiddle, over at Western Hero, tells us more:   Progressives in Retreat

Raymond Richman and Howard Richman claim:    Obama's Jobs Act Wouldn't Work. Here's What Would.  
Pundette adds:   Why Obama can't help unemployed blacks

Proof Positive, over at The Reaganite Republican wonders:   Whatever Happened to Multiculturalism? 

Hack Wilson does some comment fisking - and quite well, too:  Liberals Views on Herman Cain and the Black Community 

Because, you see - if you support Herman Cain, it makes you a racist.  So says that font-of-wisdom bad actress in need of a shower Janeane Garofalo.  I really hate to give her air time print space, but she is the embodiment of the weak-minded fools on the left:

Janeane Garofalo: Racist Republicans Support Herman Cain

 From the Ulsterman Report:

White House Insider: “They Are Crumbling In Amongst Themselves”
After a prolonged absence, our longtime D.C. Insider sends us this message regarding the inner workings of the Obama White House, including an “eruption” from Michelle Obama, and an administration breaking under the strain of accumulating scandals and a disapproving American public.  
read the rest and decide if it's true or not.
Transgender Equality in the Military Service?  What could go wrong.

Subvet:  Activists call for end to military ban on transgenders

How about a little Marxism in your face?

Senate Hopeful Elizabeth Warren to Share AFL-CIO “Teach-In” With Socialist Frances Fox Piven
[...]That a Senate candidate and close ally of the President, should so so openly work with professional revolutionaries like Frances Fox Piven and Barbara Ehrenreich is an indication of how far to the left the Democratic Party has veered. There is no longer any shame is working openly with anti-American Marxists.  Read the entire article at New Zealand Blog
If that's not enough to convince you, how about:

Obama’s Senior Advisor Valerie Jarrett: The Point of Government Is to Give People a Livelihood so They Can Provide for Their Families

And to keep your brain all perky:

Matt, at Don't Tread on Us, brings us:  Foreign Policy Pop Quiz

Odie, The Woodsterman, wants to know who's awake today.  Caution: these questions will really make you think and brush up on your reading comprehension:    KEEP THE GRAY MATTER ACTIVE

I'm off to shovel sh*t.  No, really - I have hours of manure spreading to do.  Hmmmmmm, fun! 


Ken & Carol said...

Don't we have machines to do that? Spreading manure I mean. I remember thinking seriously, sometime in the 50s, about the taste of the sweet corn that my grandfather had spread the manure on the previous autumn.

Subvet said...

Thanks for the link love.

Lola said...

I heard this Janeane Falafel clip on Rush today when I hopped into the car and now here at your blog...

Wow, I used to think she was pretty and funny 20 years ago. (She's a contemporary of mine.)

It looks like she needs a week or a month of a spiritual retreat somewhere calm and caring.

I think she must be one of the most unhappy people working in the media today.

Blue said...
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Blue said...

Garofalo is stupid. So is Warren.

republicanmother said...

Thanks for linking the Don't Tread on Us Pop Quiz. It's really more like a google scavenger hunt;) Guaranteed to perk up the old noodle.