Thursday, August 11, 2011

"Twin Reduction" otherwise known as choosing to kill one baby over another...


I'm working on a post involving very young teenage girls who choose to become pregnant out-of-wedlock.  No, I'm not talking about inner-city disadvantaged kids getting pregnant to collect benefits or secure their own state funded (read taxpayer)  apartment.  I'm talking about average middle-class children, some as young as 13, deliberately becoming pregnant. The reason?  I have no idea, but I have a few suppositions that I will put forward for your consideration and input.

Until that post is finished, take a few minutes to read Sister Toldjah's article about "twin-reduction."  Read it and remember that our president is the most pro-death to ever be elected.  His first order of business (after signing an Executive Order to seal his records), was to rescind the Mexico City Policy, instituted by Ronald Reagan, thereby ensuring that our tax dollars could flow freely to other countries to provide abortions. This is also the president who referred to a baby as a "punishment" before his election.  And he's a president who wholeheartedly supports Planned Parenthood, whose primary function is to provide abortions and hand out birth control pills to girls as young as 13 without the consent or knowledge of their parents.

Obama is but a symptom of the amorality that is becoming rampant in our society, as well as other developed countries.  We've moved beyond immorality into the darkness of no morals at all, and the left rejoices. Packs of young people are burning and looting our cities and turning London into an inferno.  Young people in Greece, denied the benefits they think they deserve without doing anything to earn them, burn cars and trash buildings.

While the economy tanks, this president sees nothing weird about heading off to a swanky resort on Martha's Vineyard for a little R&R (costing taxpayers millions.) After all, like the youth in London and Greece, he "deserves" a vacation - never mind that he has done not one thing to earn it by normal people's standards.  Judging from what is going on in the world, our money, or lack thereof, will be the least of our worries when the whole thing collapses.  You best prepare.

“Twin reduction”: Our pro-death, vanity abortion culture in a nutshell
I’ve written about the issue of abortion at this blog many times; my opinions on it are crystal clear (if you’re a new reader, click here for an overall summary of my pro-life views and how I got there). So it goes without saying that I’ve read many, many studies, articles, interviews, documentaries, etc on the grotesque practice of the termination of unborn life and oftentimes walk away from the illuminating pieces of information absolutely disgusted with our “me first” “if it feels good do it” casual culture – a culture made fashionable in the 60s by “progressives” who took the women’s lib movement way too far to the point that not only was the institution of marriage and a stable two-parent family unit viewed as a symbol of the “repressed, subservient woman”, but also that the precious, fragile lives of the unborn were portrayed as a “burdensome inconvenience” for the “modern woman.” And as a result, she needed “legal options” to be able to take care of the so-called burden. read the rest - it's gut wrenching

H/T to Creative Minority Report for the Sister Toldjah link 

And the Sentry Journal reports on "The Day of Rage"

U.S. Day of Rage planned to take place on Constitution Day

From my good friend Bunni:  

Pat Condell lays it on the line...


John Carey said...

Thanks for the link Adrienne. We very much appreciate it.

Tom in Vegas said...

Auntie A-

I agree with what Mr. Condell has to say. But one thing you should know if you don't already, he is staunchly anti-Catholic. I hope I haven't written anything that upsets you or ruins your post. Blessings.