Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The rest of the week...

I expect my blogger buddies to keep up the good  work.

I have a large daylily sale scheduled for Saturday (and Sunday by appointment) and will be very busy. I have beds to mulch, much watering to do as the temps are high, mowing, weed whacking, weed pulling,  flyers to make and signs to make. Owning a plant nursery is not glamorous.  Most all days I work like a field hand for considerable less pay.  Wouldn't trade it for anything...

Last year a stroll at dawn...

lavender to harvest...

Some of the daylilies on end of season sale...

your eyes are ok - the picture is fuzzy.  Sorry...

All pictures from my nursery...

Our beautiful Angela has not been found.  We are sad...


Mark D. said...

Sorry to hear that you still haven't found your cat. Pets are such an important part of our lives. Prayers are offered for her quick return!

Lola said...

I'm asking St. Anthony right now to help Angela find her way home.

Thank you for the beautiful lilies!

God Bless you Adrienne!

Woodsterman (Odie) said...

Is that what they're supposed to look like.

christian soldier said...

so sorry your Angela has not returned-- )-:

Beautiful gardens--hope you have land-slide profits-or - a lot of fun meeting people!

Randy-g said...

I missed this post young lady, a great field of color there. Terribly bummed about your kitteh.