Wednesday, August 3, 2011

A public service announcement of much seriousness from Mr. Pinko of iOwnTheWorld

A Pinko-less iOwnTheWorld
It was around 1:45a.m. Ms. Pinko was fast asleep and I did not want to wake her up. I work into the night and snack almost every night. I try to eat healthy; fruits, nuts, vegetables. Sometimes unhealthy, ice cream or sorbet.
Last night, I ate a watermelon chunk and it got lodged in my throat. For a few seconds I thought to myself, no big deal, it will go down. It didn’t. Panic, quickly overcame me. I couldn’t take a breathe. My next thought, run down stairs so I wouldn’t wake up Ms. Pinko. I didn’t want her asking questions while I turned blue in front of her trying to sign what the hell was going on. It would just take away precious seconds to act.
 It's really important that you read the rest.  Really!

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