Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Dr. Milton R. Wolf on Obamacare...

My comments:

Why have we heard so little of Obamacare during all the debt "crisis" talk?  Lurking just around the corner is a debt bomb the size of New Hampshire that will be dropped on the country. 

Over the last few days billions of dollars have been flushed down the toilet.  People's life savings have been decimated.  Obama's response?  A multi-million dollar vacay at Martha's Vineyard.

From Dr. Wolf:

Obamacare or America? 
Liberals’ cruel, empty promises hurt rich and poor alike
[...]America is proving true the prophetic words of former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher: “The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money.” What America’s liberals do not understand is that there is one fate far more cruel than not receiving other people’s money: It is being falsely promised that you will receive other people’s money in the first place. It’s time politicians quit making promises they can’t keep with money they don’t have. It’s time we be honest about the severity of this patient’s condition. read the rest

1 comment:

Amusing Bunni said...

All the other crisis that o has caused has conveniently pushed obummercare off the map, just as they planned.